Shelby County Indiana
Maize / Mays / Maze
The Shelbyville Democrat
Monday, May 4, 1931
Mrs. David Mays Married Only a
Month, Passed Away at Her
Home in City.
Ill only a week with scarlet fever, Mrs. Etta Mays, 18 years old, died at the home, 312 west Pennsylvania street, at four-thirty o'clock Saturday afternoon. The young wife's death is the cause of deep and sincere mourning throughout the county, and heartfelt sympathy is extended [to] the family in the hour of sorrow.
Mrs. Mays was born in Columbus, Ind., on Sept. 7, 1912, being at the time of death only eighteen years, eight months and twenty-five days old. She was the daughter of Lawrence Towne, of Indianapolis, but had always made her home with her aunt, Mrs. Joshua West, and Mr. West, of the Amos pike, southeast of this city.
She was married to David Mays on Easter Sunday of this year, having been married less than a month at the time of her death. The young husband has the deepest sympathy from the many and devoted friends of the young woman.
Besides the husband, father and aunt, she leaves a brother, Earl, and a sister, Lucille, both of Columbus.
Private funeral services were held at two o'clock this afternoon from the front porch of the home, with the Rev. Josephine Huffer, of the Trinity M. E. church, officiating. Burial was in Forest Hill cemetery in charge of M. H. Sleeth, undertaker.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, January 3, 1918
(From Monday's Daily.)
Howard Maze, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maze, died at 2:45 o'clock Sunday morning at their home in Flat Rock, at the age of six months and four day. Pneumonia and whooping cough of which the babe had been sick for four weeks and two days, caused death. Surviving are the parents and the grandparesnts, Mrs. Cassie Wolverton and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Miller, all of Washington township. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning at the Maze home, and burial will be made in the Norristown cemetery in charge of Stewart & Fix.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
A Bartholomew County, Indiana, newspaper*
January or February, 1909
COLUMBUS, Ind., Jan. 23. --- A true example of "the simple life" came to the notice of the public by the sudden death of Miss Margaret Maize, a spinster of 79 years, who was found dead in her bed at her home near Hope, Wednesday. Many years ago her parents died and Margaret Maize then took charge of the household, leaving the farm to her brothers, of whom only Daniel and Benjamin survive. Their utter seclusion from the world caused business losses and the home, which was once comfortable, became a mere shell. Acre after acre of the original farm was sold until their possessions was limited to a twenty-acre tract, but they continued to exist away from the world.
The aged sister and brothers have frequently been seen in the orchard, sitting on the mounds of the graves of those whom they loved. The family could not be separated even in death, and, like the story of the poem in McGuffey's reader, they contended "We are seven."
Margaret Maize had never traveled on an electric or steam car and never saw a steamboat. It is said that for twenty years she had not been off their twenty acre tract and for fifteen years had not stepped her foot on the road that is in front of the house.
Miss Maize excluded herself from the world with no intention of living away from humanity, but for the reason that she was contented to be with her brothers and never wanted to leave them. She was of a happy nature, kind and was richer than many, for she possessed contentment, the goal of life. The two brothers continue to live their simple lives in the old Maize home.
* Clipping found in the MAZE family file at the Shelbyville-Shelby Co Library.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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