Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville News
December 24, 2003
Sam D. Morrison, 58, Franklin, died Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
Born Feb. 27, 1945, Tennessee, s/o Lacy and Leatha Morrison.
Married Marilyn (Bausback) Wilson on Sept. 27, 2002, she survives.
Other survivors: Julia Reed, Indianapolis, who he raised; four stepsons, Kevin Wilson of Kernersville, N.C., Jeff Wilson, Fishers, Jason Wilson, South Bend and Kyle Wilson, Shelbyville; three stepdaughters, Kathy San Juan, Okatie, S.C., Julie Wilson, Greenwood and Kris Wilson, Shelbyville; one brother, Howard Dulworth, Marion; 11 stepgrandchildren; and one stepgreat-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by his parents.
Franklin resident for the last three years. Prior to that he lived in Beech Grove.
Cabinet maker, retiring in 1997.
U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War.
Member of Indiana Bowhunters Association, where he served as former president; Bloomington Archery Club; and Cloverdale Archery Club.
Attended Little Blue River Baptist Church in Shelby County.
Carmony-Ewing Broadway Street Funeral Home, 232 W. Broadway St., with the Rev. Robert Langdon officiating.
Interment: Forest Hill Cemetery.
Contributions may be made to American Diabetes Association, Post Office Box 2680, North Canton, OH 44720; or Shelby County Cancer Association, 126 N. Harrison St., Shelbyville, IN 46176.
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville News
January 17, 2000
Inez "Grace" (Tucker) Phillips Morrison, 101, Shelbyville, died Saturday at Heritage House Convalescent Center, Shelbyville.
Born July 3, 1898, in Shelby County, d/o George B. and Anna (Smiley) Tucker.
Married Charles R. Phillips on Oct. 25, 1916, and he preceded her in death on April, 17, 1953.
Married Alton "Bud" Morrison on Dec. 3, 1954 and he preceded her in death on Sept. 4, 1986.
Farmer in Shelby, Jackson and Marion counties from 1946 to 1986.
Drove a school bus for Mount Auburn School District in the late 1940's and early 1950's. Previously worked at Kennedy Carliner, Shelbyville.
Attended Fenns Community Church.
Survivors: one daughter, Joanne Compton, Shelbyville; three grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by one son, one daughter, two brothers, one sister, one grandchild and one great-grandchild.
Carmony-Ewing Broadway Funeral Home, with the Rev. Darrell Geralds officiating.
Burial: Forest Hill Cemetery.
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, August 1, 1940
Mrs. Henry Morrison, Age
Seventy-Two, Dies at Home
in Marion Township
Last rites will be held Tuesday morning for Mrs. Linnie Morrison,
age seventy-twp, who died at 11:20 p.m. Saturday at her home, six miles northeast of here, in Marion township.
She was the wife of Henry Morrison, widely known county farmer.
The funeral will be held at the late home at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. Dr.
J. W. McFall, pastor of the First Methodist church will officiate. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery in
charge of Loren H. Murphy, funeral director. Friends may call at the late home at any time.
Heart diesase caused her death. Mrs. Morrison was the daughter of
Appollos and Sarah Kinsley, pioneer Shelby county farmers. She was born in Addison township
on February 8, 1863. On May 25, 1886, she was married to Henry Morrison.
Survivors include the husband, three children: Russell K., of Marion township;
Mrs. Zella Miller, of Shelbyville, and Mrs. Hazel Sampson, of Shelbyville; six grandchildren, one great-granddaughter;
three sisters, Miss Ida Belle Kinsley, of Shelby county; Mrs. Grace Kinsley, of
Indianapolis, and Mrs. Lottie Mardis, of Shelbyville, and several nieces and nephews. Two sisters, Mrs.
Emma Ensminger and Miss Carrie Kinsley, two brothers, Valvin and Bert
Kinsley, and her parents preceded her in death.
Mrs. Morrison had been a member of the First Methodist church here since childhood. She had spent her entire life
in Shelby county. She and her husband began housekeeping 54 years ago in the house where she died.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrion celebrated their golden wedding anniversary four years ago.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Kokomo Tribune
April 11, 1932
Page 9
Shelbyville, Ind., April 11.
Mrs. Laura Morrison, 72, wife of
Harry C. Morrison, former judge of
Shelby circuit court, died Sunday night at her home here. She had been
ill several months. She was president of Southeastern Indiana District
Association as treasurer of the Indiana War Mothers organization. She is
survived by her husband, one son and 11 daughters.
Contributed by Janet McColley Franklin
The Shelbyville Republican
Saturday, May 24, 1924
Well Known Resident of
Shelbyville in Ill Health
For Several Years.
James C. Morrison, age sixty-tow,
resident of Shelbyville practically all of his life, died Saturday morning at
10:25 o'clcok at his home, 413 West Hendricks street. His death was caused
by paralysis and uraemic poisoning. Mr. Morrison had been ill for three
years, and had been confined to his home for several weeks.
He was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. James C. Morrison and was born August 8, 1861, in Paw Paw,
Michigan. When he was a babe, his parents moved to Shelbyville and he had
since made his home here. He has since made his home here. He was
married November 12, 1885, to Miss Olive Neighbors.
Mr. Morrison had engaged
in the livery business in Shelbyville for many years. As a dealer in fine
livery horses he was well known through this section. For many years he
had acted as local agent for a number of circus organizations which visited
Shelbyville and had a wide acquaintance among circus owners and managers
throughout the country.
He was a member of Shelby
Lodge No. 39, I.O.O.F. Mr. Morrison is survived by his widow and other
Funeral services will be
conducted at the home Monday afternoon at three o'clock, the Rev. A. F. vonTobel,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiating. Burial will be made
in Forest Hill cemetery. Morris H. Sleeth in charge. Members of the
Odd Fellows lodge will have charge of the funeral. Please omit flowers.
The following Odd Fellows
will act as pallbearers: L. E. Web, M. A. Lemmon, W. A.
Brown, Charles Sindlinger and Fred Jones.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Democrat
March 31, 1916
That Terminated Fatally
This Morning For Mrs. Rebecca Morrison
Mrs. Rebecca Serena (Rhodes)
Morrison, 75 years olds, widow of Elbert Morrison, died at her home in Marion township
at 7:10 o’clock this morning, of a complication of diseases from which she had been suffering
for more than a month. Mr.
Morrison’s death occurred December 11, last, and the shock to his aged wife
was so heavy and her grief so great that her health began rapidly to decline.
She was born
6, 1840,
on the farm where her death occurred and she was one of the well known and
highly esteemed women of that part of the country.
Two of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Morrison survive. They are Henry Morrison, who lived with his mother, and Mrs. George Cook, of Morristown.
There are five grandchildren and numerous other relatives.
Mrs. Morrison was a member of the Little Blue River Baptist Church in Union township for many years.
The funeral services will be held at the house at 2 o’clock
Sunday afternoon, the Rev. H. N. Spear, pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city officiating,
and the burial will be made in Forest Hill cemetery.
Contributed by Linda Allen
The Shelby Republican
Friday June 8, 1906
Page 4 column 4
The last rites over the body of Martha Morrison, whose death occurred last Saturday at Denver, were held this afternoon at the residence of the father, H.C. Morrison, South Harrison Street. The funeral was held privately amid the keen sorrows of a loving family. Six young men, former associates of the young woman, acted as pall bearers. They were, Harry Robins, Will Elliott, Elliott Gorgas, O.J. Glessner, Charles Karmire and Herbert E. Jones. The funeral procession moved slowly and sorrowlfuly to Forest Hill cemetery where the last earthly remains were buried amid tears of bitter regret.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Thursday, January 2, 1902
Mrs. George C. Morrison, Jr., of Indianapolis, died at their residence in that city at 12 o'clock last night. The relatives of her husband went to Indianapolis this morning. Her remains will be brought here this afternoon. D. B. Wilson & Son have charge. Thim and place of funeral will be announced to-morrow.
Friday, January 3, 1902
Mrs. George C. Morrison, Jr., died at her residence in Indianapolis at 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 1, 1902, of lung rouble, aged 36 years. Her remains arrived here at 3:35 to-day and were taken to the residence of George C. Morrison, Sr., No. 198 South Harrison st. Funeral services Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. M. L. Tressler officiating. Interment at Forest Hill cemetery, D. B. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
Tuesday April 20, 1897
Page 2 column 3
Death of Another of the Pioneers of This County
Mrs. Sarah Morrison, better known as Grandma Morrison, died Saturday at near two o’clock at the home of
Mrs. Ida Darr, the Morrison House, on North Harrison street. In the death of this good woman another of the very few early pioneers of this county is taken away. When Mrs. Morrison came to Shelbyville there was scarcely any town here at all and what there was lay scattered over the ground from where Little Blue River Bridge now is out to where Tompkins street crosses Washington street. Here and there was a cabin with an occasional frame building but the latter was very few and the former not very plentiful. Her maiden name was Carruthers and she was born at Brownstown, Old Virginia, on January 18, 1811.
This was less than two years after James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, was inaugurated. On March 4, 1828, one year before Andrew Jackson was inaugurated president, Miss Carruthers was married to Mr. John Morrison at Wheeling, Virginia. At a glance it is seen that Mrs. Morrison lived during the administration of twenty-one of the presidents of the United States, a record for longevity that but few can boast. And it can be truthfully said that throughout that long life Mrs. Morrison lived the life of a Christian.
In 1833 Mr. and Mrs. Morrison came to Shelbyville.
He was a turner by trade, a business he followed for a number of years successfully, his shop being for a while in the basement of what is now known as the Morrison House and for a number of years that was on Pennsylvania street, and was known as “the barracks.”
There is a queer story connected with the manner in which Mr. and Mrs. Morrison came to start a boarding house.
After their arrival here, they being people who made friends very rapidly, they were soon acquainted with most everybody in the county.
It was customary in those days to invite your friends to come and see you and to stay as long as they pleased.
Mr. Morrison was a good provider and his wife was a most elegant cook and entertainer. It was but a short time until the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morrison was a Mecca for everybody in the county, and such was the hospitality dispensed that no one cared to go away. The result was that their home was constantly thronged with visitors, by people who had no claim on them whatever. Mr. Morrison did not care to complain, neither did his wife but it was apparent that something would have to be done and as a gentle hint Mr. Morrison made a sign on which appeared the words “boarding house,” he hanging this at the corner of his home, it being where the Morrison House now stands. This did not stop the influx of people but in place of getting their board and bed for nothing they were perfectly willing to pay for the accommodations. From this incident the Morrison House started and has continued to this day and until a very short time ago Mrs. Morrison was able to assist in the affairs of the house.
Her husband died October 18, 1878. Mrs. Morrison leaves two brothers, George Carruthers, of Columbus, Indiana and Samuel Carruthers, of Bloomfield, Iowa. Her sisters are Mrs. Hogue, of New York City; Mrs. Judge Trimble, of Keokuk, Iowa, and Mrs. Harriet Lindsay, of Davenport, Iowa
Her children are George C. and James C. Morrison, of this city, and John Morrison, of Washington City, the daughters being Mrs. Sarah Irish, Mrs. Edward Small and Mrs. Ida Darr, all of this city.
The funeral was held at the First Presbyterian church Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, Dr. J. C. Caldwell officiating. The casket was open at the house from 1:30 to 7 o’clock Sunday afternoon, and from 9:00 to 1:30 o’clock Monday.
The interment was made at Forest Hill in charge of Edwards & Hageman. The pallbearers were Mr. Joseph Levinson, William Elliott, Levi Bookwalter, George E. Kent, G.W. F. Kirk and D. L. Carmony. The remains of Mr. Morrison will be moved to Forest Hill.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Brenda Emery
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat Volunteer
Friday, April 4, 1890
Page 1, column 5
A clipping from a Kansas City paper of March 26 says: "Martin Morrison, a well known grocer, fell from a second story window of his block at 1209 Independence Avenue this morning, and died shortly after from internal injuries he received. It is supposed that dizziness which overcame him while looking out of the window, caused the fatal fall. Mr. Morrison leaves a widow and four children and an estate valued at $50,000."
Mr. Morrison was formerly a resident of this city, marrying Miss Alice Stephens, daughter of Peyton Stephens, and leaving here about 1865.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Volunteer
Thursday, January 10, 1878
Page 3
D E A T H S.
The following mortuary intelligence has been gathered from the undertakers of the city, and other sources:
MORRISON --- Saturday, Jan. 5th, 1878, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. L. Cory, of this city, Rev. Samuel Morrison, in the 78th year of his age. Remains were interred Monday, in the Morristown Cemetery.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
Thursday, January 3, 1878. Number 45.
O B I T U A R Y .
Rev. Samuel Morrison, was born on the 5th of May, 1799, in Westmoreland county, Pa., and died in Shelbyville, Ind., Jan. 4th, 1877[sic], aged 78 years and 7 mo.
His mother died in 1805 and in 1809 he removed with a sister and brother-in-law --- Joseph Sterrett, --- to Washington co., he made his home with them for nine years, during this time he attended school in the winter, working on a farm in the summer. In 1815 he was apprenticed to Wm. P. Moore, a tailor of Washington, Pa.
Through all his boyhood and after life, the solemn and good impressions made on his heart by a pious, loving mother and reiterated by devoted sisters operated as a check in many cases when temptations came to him.
He was converted at a camp-meeting on Pipe run, on the 22nd of Aug. 1819, and on the 30th, of the same month, was baptized and joined the Methodist Episcopal church. He anticipated great opposition from his master and four shop-mates, who were irreligious, on his return; but he determined to go in the strength of his new found Savior. In about three months his master, wife, daughter and three shop-mates were converted.
He was licensed to exhort Sept., 21st, 1821, licensed to preach and recommended to the itinerancy, April 5th, 1822. His health failing he was compelled to desist from labor. In April 1822 he moved to Morgantown, Va., and in July to Kingwood, where he remained about four years. He was married Feb. 22, 1823 to Miss Elizabeth Johnson.
In 1826 he removed to Indiana, settling in this city. In 1827 he united with Col. R. Davies[sic] in laying out Morristown.
In 1829 he was elected by the Indiana Conference of the M.E. Conference to Deacon's orders, and was ordained by Bishop Roberts. He entered the Methodist Protestant church, March 5th, 1834, was ordained Elder Aug., 21, 1836, by W. B. Evans, Pres. of the Indiana Conference, which then included the entire State. After the division of the State into two Conferences he was again elected Prest; serving the church as such 10-1/2 years. He was four times elected to the General Conference. In 1874 he took a superanuate relation. Thus has passed away a father in Israel; one who, though almost reaching the age of four-score years did not loose his interest in, or love for the house of God. Father Morrison had the confidence and esteem of all who knew him.
Funeral services were held by Rev. R. L. Curtiss, at the residence of Mrs. Cory on Sunday afternoon; the body was taken to Morriston[sic] and services held on Monday by Rev. Shipp, previous to interment.
Contributed by Susan Kelley
The Shelbyville Weekly
Thursday, October 22, 1874
Page 3 column 5
Died Morrison--At his residence in this city on
Sunday night, the 18th instant, from hemorrhage of the lungs, at 11 o'clock, Mr. John Morrison, in the 75th
year of his age. The subject of this notice was one of the pioneers of the county. He was born in Westmoreland
County, Pennsylvania, February 1, 1800, and moved to this city in 1832, where he resided ever since; being engaged
in the hotel business for the last 22 years. During his long life of three quarters of a century he witnessed
much of the rise and progress of this county, especially here in Shelby county, where he settled at a time when
the wilds of nature bedecked the area where now stand our beautiful fields and gardens, our prosperous county towns,
and our flourishing city. While the surrounding wilderness was being transformed into the many peaceful and
prosperous homes of industry that we now behold around us, he was here and contributed his might in aid of these
changes, and as evidence of his worth and esteem he was, as divers times, chosen by the people to represent their
interests in the public affairs of the neighborhood. In his demise the family loses a husband, a father and benefactor,
and the community loses a good citizen, and one of its pioneers who are fast becoming a sacred relic in this section
of country.
Submitted by Barb Huff

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