Shelby County Indiana
A Shelbyville Newspaper
Tuesday, April 25, 1911
Page 1
William Muck, of Jackson
Township, Passed Away at
About five O'Clock Monday
Afternoon at the Home of
His Daughter, Mrs. Jay
Dailey -- Funeral Will Be
Held Tomorrow Afternoon
William Muck, aged 78 years, of Jackson township, died at about five o'clock Monday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jay Dailey, of near Nineveh, following an illness of two months' duration caused by heart trouble. He had been in declinding health for some time, but he did not become bedfast until about two months ago. Mr. Much had always been engaged in farming. He was one of the best known men in the southern part of Shelby county.
He was a native of the state of Ohio, but had been a resident of Jackson townshp for more than half a century. During his long residence there Mr. Muck lived the kind of life that made hime honored and respected by hundreds of friends and acquaintances. He was an upright citizen and one of whom any community could well feel proud. In his passing Jackson township has lost one of her best residents.
Mr. Muck was a democrat in politics, but he had never held a public office. He always worked for the best interests of his friends, who had had political aspirations, however, and could always be relied upon as a being a standard bearer and worker for the causes advocated by the party immortalized by Jefferson, Jackson and our own Hendricks. He only recently celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday, the anniversary of his natal day occurring on the twenty-fourth day of March.
The funeral obsequies will be held at the St. George Lutheran church, near Mt. Auburn, at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, the officiating clergyman being Rev. H. B. Shank, pastor of the church. Mrs. Muck passed away several years ago. He is survived by three daughters: Mrs. Louis Isley, of near Flatrock; Mrs. Louis Isley [typo?], of near St. Paul, and Mrs. Jay Dailey, of ner Nineveh. He also leaves four brothers and three sisters. Their names follow: Manuel, George and Alfred, of Jackson township; Louis, of Ohio; Mrs. James Nail, of near Flatrock, and Mrs. Mary Runshe, of Jackson township. Fifteen grandchildren and six great-grandchlidren are also numbered among the survivors. Mr. Muck was one of the leading members of St. George's Lutheran church and the remains will be laid to rest in the cemetery near the church.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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