Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville Republican
Monday, February 21, 1927
Page 2 Column 3
Death Of Charles Nave, Reared In This County
Succumbs At Anderson
has been received here that Charles
Nave, 55 years old, until six years
ago a life long resident of Shelby county, and son of one of the county's pioneer families, died at his home in
Anderson yesterday morning. He has been in ill health for two years, and death was due to a complication
of diseases. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Nave, and was born near this city. His aged father is now living near Pendleton. Mr. Nave is survived by his wife, Cora, who was also born and reared in Shelby county, two sons,
Donald and Russell, two brothers, Frederick, near this city and
William, now in the west and a sister, Mrs. Charles Kuhn near Pendleton. Short services will be held at the home in Anderson at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow morning, after which the funeral party will come to the Winchester Methodist church northwest of this city for the regular services.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, July 30, 1903
Page 2, column 2
Mrs. Arzella Nave of Clark County, Illinois, died at her home Wednesday morning. Mrs. Nave was a sister of Tilson Wheeler of Addison township and she was a former well known and respected citizen of this county, where she was born and reared.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday, July 24, 1903
Mrs. Arzella Nave, aged seventy years, died in Annapolis, Illinois, on Tuesday, July 21st, and her funeral occurred today (Thursday) July 23d. Deceased was well known in Shelby county. She was the widow of the late Wilson Nave and a sister of Tilson Wheeler.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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