Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville NewsMorris Roberson, 56, died at 3:05 this morning at home. Death (heart attack) was unexpected.
Thursday, May 1, 1958
Rites Saturday For City Resident, 56
Lived at 216 E. Locust St., Shelbyville.
Employed by Kennedy Car Liner and Bag Co.
Shelby county native, born February 5, 1902, s/o Charles and Marybelle Roberson.
Married Zelma Watts on June 15, 1935; she survives.
Other survivors: children, Mrs. Julie Joiner of Long Beach, Cal., Mrs. Esther Brewer of North Vernon and Morris Charles and Martha Caroline Roberson of Shelbyville; step-daughter, Mrs. Frances Taylor, Dayton, Ohio, twelve grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Frances Brashear of Shelbyville; eight nieces and two nephews.
Member of the New Haven Baptist Church.
Murphy Mortuary with Rev. L. T. Hughes and Rev. Robert Saunders will officiate. Graveside rites by the Golden Crown Masonic Lodge.
Burial: Forest Hill cemetery.
Summarized by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville RepublicanMrs. Sarah Ann Robertson, 79, died at 8:45 o'clock last night at the home of her son, George Femyer, at Camp Joy, west of Boggstown. Death came as a result of apoplexy and she had been ill for only a week.
Friday, April 3, 1942
Page 1
Born in Ladoga Feb. 24, 1863, she was a daughter of George and Mary Bell. She was first married to Frank Femyer in 1883 and was later married to William D. Robertson, Civil War veteran, who died in 1928. The son and a grandchild survive.
Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Robertson has made her home with the son, near Franklin. The family was forced to leave the Franklin vicinity because of the construction of Camp Atterbury and had lived at Camp Joy for the past two weeks. She (continued on Page 8)
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville RepublicanMrs. Mary Robertson, an aged resident, living west of Fountaintown, died Wednesday night at 11:20 o'clock. Mrs. Robertson had been in failing health for the past year, but her death was caused from pneumonia. She was eighty-seven years of age.
Thursday October 11, 1923
Mrs. Mary Robertson Died Wednesday Night At Home Near Fountaintown
The deceased was a well known woman of that community and the announcement of her death will come as a severe shock to her many friends and relatives. The husband, Walter Robertson, died in March 1922. Mrs. Robertson is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Theodore Bush, of Golden City, Missouri, and one son Walter Robertson, living near Fountaintown.
Funeral services will be conducted from the late home on Saturday morning at ten o'clock, the Rev. George Stainbrook, of Marietta, officiating. Interment will be made in the Eden Cemetery. [Hancock County-BH]
Copied by Barb Huff for Fran Davenport
The Indianapolis Daily StarAlexander M. Robertson, a retired wholesale grocer and dry goods dealer, died shortly before midnight last night at his home, 926 North Meridian street. Mr. Robertson was born in Shelbyville, Ind., June 19, 1841. He served two years during the civil war, enlisting in 1861. He was a member of the G.A.R. In 1863 he came to Indianapolis and entered the dry goods business with Geisdendorf and Co., in which firm his father, James E. Robertson, held an interest. He was later identified with the Farmer's store, J. E. Robertson & Co. and Robertson and Perry. He retired in 1889, devoting his time to extensive travel. He married Miss Carrie Weed of St. Louis, Mo., in 1875. Mrs. Robertson survives him.
June 14, 1923
Page 6
Contributed by Janet McColley Franklin
The Shelby DemocratWord ahs been received of the death of William Robertson, a former resident of VanBuren township, which occurred Monday afternoon at his home, in Hamilton, O., from Bright's disease. He was aged 62 years.
Thursday, April 8, 1920
John Fox Died at Cincinnati
-- William Robertson Dead
at Hamilton, Ohio.
(From Tuesday's Daily)
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Florence (Rafferty) Robertson, one daughter, Mable, at home; a son, John, of Detroit, Mich.; a brother, Charles Robertson, of near Morristown, and two sisters, Mrs. Ephriam Miller, of Kokomo, and Mrs. Viola Calbert, of Portland, Ore. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at the Fountaintown Christian church. Rev. Gwinn officiating, and burial will be made in Ashbury [Asbury?] cemetery in charge of Max Herrlich & Sons, of New Palestine. The body will be taken to the home of his wife's mother, Mrs. Hannah Rafferty of Fountaintown.
[John Fox' obituary is on the Fox page.]
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Indianapolis StarSHELBYVILLE -- Charles M. Robertson, 60, is dead here. His widow, and son and a daughter survive.
April 4, 1915
Page 10 Column 2
Contributed by Virginia Latta Curulla
The Daily DemocratMrs. [Nancy] Sidney Robertson died at the family home, corner of Franklin and Miller streets, early Sunday morning of senility. Her death was not the result of the ravages of any disease, but simply the passing of the soul from earth to eternity. She had lived until the body was no longer strong enough and death was the natural result.
Monday, February 11, 1907
Page 1, column 6
Mrs. Sidney Robertson Passed Peacefully Away
At a Ripe Old Age Yesterday
Mrs. Robertson was born in Kentucky, June 18, 1821, and moved with her parents to this county when only a young girl. Her father was Henry Fisher, who had lived about five miles east of Shelbyville in the early pioneer days. He was one of the early circuit riding preachers of the Methodist church. Mrs. Robertson was a life-long member of the church for which her father had labored. On December 26, 1839, Nancy Fisher was married to Sidney Robertson, and the whole neighborhood attended the infair which followed. Only last December the venerable couple celebrated the sixty-seventh anniversary of their marriage. They were the oldest married couple in the county, if not in the state.
During their younger days, Mr. Robertson and wife lived on the family farm east of the city and afterwards moved to Waldron, where he conducted a general store. In 1864 with her husband, Mrs. Robertson moved to this city, where Mr. Robertson was engaged in the buying and selling of live stock. The old family home was located at the corner of Pike and Mechanic streets, but in 1897, Mrs. Robertson, husband and daughter, Miss Cannie Robertson, moved to the present home, where they could be near their daughter Mrs. S. P. McCrea. Besides the husband and daughters Miss Cannie Robertson and Mrs. S. P. McCrea, of this city, Mrs. Robertson leaves another daughter, Mrs. George Gadd, of Indianapolis, and a son, William Robertson, also of Indianapolis. Funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. O. M. Smith at the house at 2 p.m. Tuesday, and will be private. Interment will be in Forest Hill cemetery in charge of Edwards & Hageman.
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Daily DemocratMrs. Rehuesina Robertson, whose maiden name was Chew, widow f the late Fountain G. Robertson, ex-treasurer of Shelby county, died at her residence, No. 154 South Harrison-st., at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 31, of a complication of diseases, aged sixty-seven years, five months and eighteen days. Mrs. Robertson was born in Morgantown, Monongalia county, West Virginia, February 13, 1827, and removed to this county when only a child. She was married February 19, 1846, to Mr. Robertson, and to them were born seven children, three of whom survive, two daughters and one son, Mrs. C. R. Devol, Mrs. W. F. Little and Fountain G. Robertson, jr. In 1846 deceased united with the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, and in 1870 removed her membership to the First Baptist Church in this city, having been an active church member for more than forty-eight years. Mrs. Robertson has been in ill-health during the last few years of her life, but has withstood her suffering without a lamentation. She has always been a kind and loving mother and having a pleasant word for all whom she met. Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church, of t his city, at ten a.m., Thursday, August 2, Rev. Stark, assisted by Rev. McHargue, officiating. Intemrent in the city cemetery. The casket will be opened at the house for the relatives only and at the church for the friends.
August 1, 1894
Page 1, column 6
Her Death Occurred Yesterday
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby DemocratRobert, the eighteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robertson, died at their home No. 55 south Pike st. at 12:15 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4 of brain trouble. Funeral services were held at the house at 2 p.m. Monday. Rev. Grey officiating. Interment in Forest Hill. Cummins and Edwards, funeral directors.
October 8, 1891
Page 3
Contributed by Susan Kelley
The Shelby Democrat"Harvey Robertson is dead", were the words which fell upon the ears of the Democrat's reporter, shortly after 7 o'clock Thursday morning. Inquiry elicited the fact that death had overtaken him while he was seated in a chair in the cell in which Constable Johnson placed him Wednesday evening. Shortly before the hour of supper, Wednesday evening, Harvey was found in a stupid maudlin condition, roaming aimlessly about in the yard adjoining Recorder Buxton's residence. The family sent for an officer, and Constable Johnson responded, and considerately placed him in a comfortable cell in the jail. The authorities had decided to have him adjudged of unsound mind, and removed to the Hospital for the Insane, at Indianapolis, but all that is out of the question now. Deceased was fifty- seven years of age, and had been a resident of this city all of his life. He was considered one of the most popular salesman in town, and his services were in demand by all the merchants. In 1856 he was married to Miss May Palmerton, sister of John Palmerton, of this city. To them were born five children, four of which are now living, all of whom with their mother with the exception of Mrs. Charles Wilson, are residents of Chicago. Shortly after his marriage Harvey developed a strong appetite for whisky, which finally led to a separation from his wife, since which time he drifted into further and deeper excesses until his constitution gave way and death was a welcome visitor. His remains were taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. David Louden, Thursday morning. The funeral services were held at Mrs. Louden's. Sidney Robertson, and John H. Robertson, of Indianapolis, who is now in Europe, were brothers as was the late F. G. Robertson.
May 29, 1890
Of Harvey W. Robertson, at the County Jail
At an Early Hour this Morning
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Daily Evening DemocratSusan Robertson age eighty-three years, died at half-past twelve o'clock yesterday, at the residence of her step-son, John W. Robertson, near this city. The remains will be interred at Mt. Pisgah at ten o'clock Friday morning, Rev. John Reese officiating. For many years the deceased has lived with her stepson, John W. Robertson, whose devotion to her has been frequently commented on. To "Uncle John" the slightest wish of the old lady was law, and he spared no pains nor expense to make her declining years happy.
October 15, 1885
Page 4 col 2
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
An Indianapolis NewspaperRobertson, Mrs. Susan (of Shelbyville) / Death of,
October 15, 1885
Page 3 column 2
Contact the Indiana State Library for a full copy.
The Shelby DemocratDavid G. Robertson died at his residence in this city, on Tuesday night, October 29, after an illness of six days, in the 70th year of his age. Deceased was born in Lebanon, Warren county, Ohio October 14, 1808, and removed to this county in 1832, where he has resided ever since. During his life he accumulated a large fortune, but, being overtaken by misfortune afterwards, lost it all. He followed the occupation of farming most of his life, but eight years ago disposed of his farm in Liberty township, moved to Shelbyville and went into the mercantile business, which proved unprofitable to him. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his loss. The funeral services will take place today (Thursday) at the Presbyterian Church, in this city, at 10 o'clock a.m., the Rev. Geo Sluter officiating.
October 31, 1878
Page 3 column 2
Submitted by Barb Huff
The Shelby DemocratMr. James Robertson died at his residence in Addison township, Sunday morning, in the 87th year of his age. He was one of the earliest pioneers of this county, having settled here nearly sixty years ago. He was highly esteemed as a citizen and friend.
Thursday, November 14, 1878
Page 3, column 1
Submitted by Barb Huff
Died --- On Sunday last, John Robertson, of the this place of typhoid fever, in the 30th year of his age.The Republican Banner
November 11, 1857
Contributed by Greg Curson.
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