Shelby County Indiana
The Shelbyville Republican
Mon 10 Nov. 1947
Rush Funeral Will Be Today
Alfred Rush, 80, Brandywine Township, Dies
Alfred Rush, an 80 year-old Brandywine Township farmer, was found dead Saturday in a field on the William Huber farm, where he resided. Dr. C. J. Price, county coroner, attributed Mr. Rush's death to a heart attack.
Mr. Rush, according to the report of the death, left his home about 7:30 a.m.
Saturday with the intention of cutting wood. He was found dead in a field by Mr. Huber about 9:15 o'clock.
Born in Shelby County Dec. 4, 1866, he was the son of William and Elizabeth Imel Rush. Mr. Rush was a member of the Fairland Methodist church and a charter member of the Red Men's lodge of this city.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Helen Rush; a daughter, Mrs. Olive Johnson of Hagerstown; two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Taylor of Marion, O., Mrs. Carrie Norvell, of Houston, Texas; a brother, Perce Rush, of Meridian, La.; two grandchildren, and several stepchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today at the C. F. Fix & Son
mortuary with burial at the Fairland cemetery. Friends may call at the mortuary.
Contributed by Judith Williams
The Shelbyville Democrat
Friday, October 15, 1909.
Page 1
Three Prominent Residents of County
Passed Away Yesterday Afternoon --
John Mohr, A Shelby County Farmer,
Died At Home On South Miller Street --
Mrs. James Bassett and Mrs. Elizabeth Rush
Also Passed to Great Beyond
Mrs. Elizabeth Rush.
Mrs. Elizabeth Rush, a highly respected
lady widely known aver Shelby and Johnson counties, died at her home in Fairland
at six o'clock last evening at the advanced age of seventy-seven years, eleven
months and fourteen days. Death occurred after a short illness and was the
result of a severe attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. Rush was born in
Johnson county and she and her husband resided there for many years before they
located in Shelby county. Mr. Rush passed away about ten years ago,
but his widow has since continued her residence at Fairland. She was an
active member of the Fairland Baptist church and always an ardent worker in the
Master's cause. She is survived by a family of eight children and three
step-children. The children are Robert, of Logansport; Alfred
and Percy, of Indianapolis; Mrs. Ollie Means, of London; Mrs.
Carrie Norville, of Texas; Mrs. N. E. Williams, of Fairland,
and Mrs. Myrtle Taylor, of Francis, Ind. The step-children
are Mrs. Pauline Crum, of Fairland; Mrs. Frances Cayton, of
London, and James Rush, of Greenwood.
The funeral services will
be held at the Fairland Baptist church at ten o'clock Sunday morning, Rev. T. A.
Childs and Rev. C. B. Jones, both of Franklin, officiating. Interment in
the Boggstown cemetery in charge of Stewart & Fix.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The The Franklin Democrat
Johnson County, Indiana
Friday, September 25, 1891
Volume XXXII, Number 14
Page 3, column 1
Wm. Rush, who lives over the line in Sugar Creek Township, Shelby County, died at his home Thursday afternoon of last week, aged seventy-six years.
Notes: Birth date, 13 January 1815, Highland County, Ohio.  Death date, 17 September 1891, Sugar Creek Township, Shelby County, Indiana.
Contributed by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
September 24, 1891
Page 4 Column 1
William Rush died at his residence in Sugar Creek township at one o'clock Thursday p.m. age 70 years. He was buried at Boggstown grave yard, on Saturday morning, services at the house at 10 o'clock. D. B. Wilson, funeral director.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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