The Shelbyville
Wednesday July 17, 1946
Page 1 column 6
Rites Thursday At
Fenns Pleasant Grove Church
Ill for the past several months, Mrs. Belle (Marlin)
Vernon, wife of O.D. Vernon, died Tuesday morning at her home in Shelby township.
She was 87 years of age.
Funeral services will be conducted on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the Fenns Pleasant Grove Church.
Burial in charge of Carl Norman and Son, of Hope, will be made in Hawcreek cemetery.
Friends may call at the late home at any time after noon today.
Mrs. Vernon was born in Acton on August 1, 1858, the daughter of
William and Hester Marlin, but she had spent most of her entire life in Shelby county.
She was a member of the Waldron Baptist church.
Survivors are the husband; two step-sons, Arthur
Vernon, of Boston, Massachusetts, and Zehner Vernon, of Indianapolis; two brothers,
Clint Marlin, of Hope and Temp Marlin of Shelby county; a daughter,
Mrs. Mollie Essex, of Hope; four grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Bob McKenzie
The Shelby
Thursday, January 4, 1934
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Vernon, 60, passed away yesterday at the home of a daughter,
Mrs. Ray Bennett, 4850 Alexander avenue, Indianapolis, death being due to complications.
Her passing is deeply mourned by her hundreds of friends.
Funeral services will be held form the home where death occurred at one o'clock Wednesday afternoon, and from the New Palestine Methodist church, of which the deceased was a member, at two o'clock.
Burial will be in the Cunningham cemetery, near New Palestine, in charge of Max Herrlich & Son.
Suriviors are the daughter, at whose home
death occurred; two sons, Elmer Vernon of Greensburg, and
Earl Vernon, of Cumberland; and the other daughters, Mrs.
Alice White, Mrs. Bertha Ruley, and Mrs. Mollie
Gephart, all of Indianapolis; Mrs. Nellie Alley, of
Cumberland; Mrs. Josephine Wilhart, of Greensburg; Mrs.
Elsie Smallwood, of Mishawaka; Mrs. Irene Schloesser, of
London; three sisters, four brothersand thirty granchildren.
Mrs. Vernon's husband preceded her in death
several years ago.
Contributed by Charlene Hoff
The Shelbyville
Saturday August 25, 1928
Page 1 column 5
Funeral Services of Joseph Vernon
at New Palestine Sunday
The death of Joseph Vernon, age 72, occurred at four o'clock this morning at his home in New Palestine, due to a complication of diseases.
Short funeral services will be held at the M. E. church at New Palestine at three o'clock, with the pastor, the Rev. LaHue, officiating.
Burial will be in the Cunningham cemetery.
Mr. Vernon was a member of the New Palestine M. E. church.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Vernon, ten children, twenty-three grandchildren and two sisters.
Contributed by Barb Huff for Nancy
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday Edition
March 5, 1907
(From Monday's Daily.)
Harry Vernon, a barber of
Fountaintown, died Friday and was buried yesterday afternoon, the Rev. Sharp, of
Reedsville, officiating.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Union Banner
February 18, 1864
Page 3 col 1
A Tribute
To the memory of the late Harry P. Vernon, by his Class in the M.E. Sabbath School, Shelbyville, Indiana.
Feb. 14th, 1864.
God in his wise providence having seen proper to remove from our midst one of our class-mates, and for many
years a member of this School, it is deemed fitting that his class should pass some resolutions in manifestation
of their respect for the memory of the deceased.
In his late illness, when the world and the things of the world were fast fading before him, he found hope and
consolation in the promises of the Saviour, and calmly surveying the approach of death, he looked beyond its power
to the glorious immortality promised to the believer. "The places that knew him will know him no more,"
but though dead, his memory is embalmed in the hearts of his associates and there it will live until all those
who are taking part in this tribute to his shall have followed him in the journey, where for a brief space he has
preceded us, through the dark valley of the shadow of death.
That his Class in this School, from the high esteem they had for the deceased, do sincerely condole with the bereaved
family who now mourn their loss; and as a proof of their high regard, a few weeks prior to his demise, they elected
him a Life-Member of the Missionary Society of the M.E. Church.
That two members of this Class be selected to communicate these proceedings to his afflicted parents.
J. B. Randall
and A. J. Gorgas were appointed
by the School, and Rev. Thos. Lynch requested a copy that the proceedings might be placed upon the Church
Record. Also, that they be published in each paper of this city, and the Western Christian Advocate.
THOS. D. W. PEAKE } Com.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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