Shelby County Indiana
Wolf / Wolfe
The Shelbyville News
Thursday January 28, 1965
Prominent Morristown Man, 72, Found Dead
Services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Friday at Frazier Funeral Home at Morristown for Paul H. Wolf, 72, a lifelong resident of Morristown and operator of the Gwynneville Canning Company. Mr. Wolf was found dead at his home at 9:30 a.m. yesterday by his wife. Death was attributed to a cerebral hemorrhage.
Rev. Floyd Cook will conduct the services and burial will be in Asbury
Mr. Wolf was born September 27, 1892 in Morristown, the son of
Henry G. and Minnie (Hill) Wolf. He married Ora Jones on September 20, 1919, and she survives
with four children, William H. Wolf of Greenfield, Mrs. Joan Barth of Ann Arbor,
Michigan, Miss Virginia Wolf of Moscow, Idaho, and Mrs. Marian Thoms of Memphis,
Tennessee; one brother Earl W. Wolf of Greenfield and nine grandchildren.
Mr. Wolf also operated canning factories in Arlington and New Palestine
before retiring. He was past president of the Indiana State Canners Association,
and secretary of the Roach-Indiana Corporation.
He was a veteran of World War I, held a life membership in the Morristown
Willard E. Hensley American Legion Post 102 and was past commander of the post.
He was instrumental in setting up the American Legion scholarship program in the
Morristown schools which has been in operation for 30 years. During World War
II, he wrote and mailed “Johnny Letters” to boys of the Morristown community
serving with the armed forces.
Mr. Wolf was a member of the Morristown Methodist Church and F. & A.M.
Lodge No. 193. He was graduated from Morristown High School and Earlham College
and taught in the Morristown school system. He served as trustee of Hanover
Township, a member of the W. S. Major Hospital board of directors from 1960 thru
1962, was a member and past president of the Shelby county Historical Society
and was active in the State Historical Society.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville News
Wednesday January 27, 1965
Paul H. Wolf, 72, a widely known Shelby County man and retired owner and
operator of the Gwynneville Canning Company, was found dead late this morning at
his home in Morristown. It was believed that death occurred sometime during the
Mr. Wolf was a member of the
W. S. Major Hospital board of directors from 1960
through 1962, and had been active in civic affairs of the community for many
He was a graduate of Earlham College, a former high school teacher and former
trustee of Hanover Township.
Mr. Wolf, who had been active in private business affairs for many years,
served as secretary-treasurer and manager of the Roach-Indiana Corporation, an
investment trust formerly engaged in food canning. He also was a past president
of the Shelby county Historical Society.
The Morristown man’s survivors include a son,
William Wolf of Greenfield,
who is 10th District Democrat Party chairman.
Arrangements and further details will be announced by the Frazier Funeral
Home of Morristown.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Republican
Wednesday May 25, 1932
Page 6 column 4
Heart Trouble Causes Death at 11:00 O’clock This Morning
Henry G. Wolf, resident of Morristown, died at his home there at 11:00 o’clock this morning. Death was caused by heart trouble and followed a two days’ illness.
At the time of death the deceased was seventy-one years old, being born December 8, 1861. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolf his father being an early settler of Hanover township.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Minnie Wolf; three children, Earl E.
of Greenfield, P. H. Wolf, of Morristown, and Mrs. L.J. Phillips,
of Coastville; a half sister, Mrs. Rettie Taylor, Dallas, Texas; a
sister, Mrs. Lora Cole, Arlington, and four grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later by L.V. Hauk.
Thursday May 26, 1932
Page 2 column 3
Service for Henry G. Wolf Will Be
Conducted at Family Home
Funeral services for Henry G. Wolf will be held at the family home in Morristown at 2:00 o’clock Friday afternoon. The Rev. E. A. Gillum, pastor of the Morristown M.E. church, will officiate and burial will be in Asbury cemetery in charge of L.V. Hauk.
Mr. Wolf’s death occurred at his home at eleven o’clock Wednesday morning and followed a two days’ illness of heart trouble. Mr. Wolf was a well-known resident of the north part of the county.
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, January 11, 1923
A death that comes as a distinct shock to residents of this city and county is that of Mrs. Permelia Wolfe, 72 years old, which occurred at her home, 231 south Miller street this morning at 8:00 o'clock, from paralysis from which she had suffered since Saturday night. Mrs. Wolfe was found in an unconscious condition at her home late Saturday night, having suffered a stroke of paralysis, and since that time had been in a critical condition.
Private funeral services will be held at the late home Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, the Rev. L. C. Murr [? copy blurred], pastor of the West St. M. E. church officiating. Burial will be made in the Moravian cemetery at Hope, in charge of Ralph J. Edwards, funeral director.
The death of Mrs. Wolf removes from this city, one of its most highly esteemed residents, as she was known to be a woman with many fine characteristics. She was born in Bartholomew county where she resided until the year 1899, when she moved to this city.
She was the daughter of the late James and Mahala Hendrickson and was united in marriage to the late Dr. William R. Wolf, of Morristown, Dec. 25, 1905. Mrs. Wolf was a devoted member of the West St. M. E. church and always took much interest in church work. She was also a prominent member of the W. C. T. U. of this city.
She is survived by one son, Jacob Clyde Wolf, of St. Louis, Mo.; one sister, Mrs. Philo Mutz, of Hope, who is now in Florida, and one grandson, Dr. Gayle Wolf, of Indianapolis.
Friends may call at the home Sunday afternoon from 3:00 o'clock until 9:00 o'clock in the evening.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Unidentified Shelby County Newspaper
Probably early 1907
[Death date December 27, 1906]
By Rev. E. L. Frasier
It is fitting that more than a passing notice be given to the memory of one who
has been a prominent citizen and much in the public eye, and so intimately
united with the history of Morristown and Shelby County as to become a real part
of history.
Jacob Grove Wolf, son of
Dr. Jacob and Lydia Wolf, was born February 8, 1823
near Holidaysburg, Pennsylvania.
In the spring of 1834 when he was 11 years old his father removed from
Pennsylvania and settled at the place now called Hopeville, having purchased a
flouring and sawmill on the east Fork of Whitewater about midway between
Brownsville and Arlington. The family remained here but a short time.
This property was sold in the spring of 1835 and a mill and farm were purchased
on Nolan's fork three miles north of Centerville in Wayne County. They
continued here about five years. In the spring of 1840 this property was
sold and a farm was bought on the Centerville Williamsburg pike about one mile
west of the former residence, where they lived until the death of the father
April 29, 1844.
After the death of his father at which time he was 21 years old, he remained
with his mother on the farm two years until 1846. He attended the country
schools from the time he was old enough to begin. In 1835 his father sent
him to a seminary at Centerville where he received instruction from one of the
most scholarly men and best educators of the day, Samuel K. Houshour, who
afterward was for many years a professor in Western Christian University, now
Butler College, Indianapolis. Two years he spent here as a student.
The winter of '37 and '38 he spent as a student in a school in Richmond,
In the spring of 1838 his father sent him to [?] Labor School near Lawrenceburg.
In 1843, he entered Indiana Asbury University, now DePauw, where he remained
three years.
| In 1846 he was married to
Miss Virginia A. Ricketts and settled in Hagerstown.
To this union was (sic) born seven children; three of these are living: Julia, wife of
James Punteney; Alma, wife of William Six; and
Mrs. Agnes Bennett. His son Dr. R. Wolf, a dentist, died Dec. 20, 1905. |
There are six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Soon after his marriage he began the study of medicine. He attended two
courses of lectures at the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, graduating in March 1847 and commenced practice in Hagerstown, [???] continued until June [?], when he came to Morristown.
In the autumn of 1856 he matriculated in the Jefferson Medical College, of
Philadelphia, from which he graduated in 1857. Returning to Morristown he resumed the practice of medicine and continued until the fall of 1867, at which
time he was elected Clerk of Shelby county circuit court, which office he held for four years. After his term of office expired he resumed the practice of medicine, this time in Shelbyville.
In 1872 he returned to Morristown and continued there until his death occurred
December 27, 1906. He continued in his practice until the year 1900 then
he gave up the profession he had followed 52 years with the exception of his
four years in office as County Clerk.
He came to this place when the country was a wilderness and lived to see it
reach a high state of cultivation and improvement, contributing no small share
to it.
The pioneer physician and the pioneer preacher had some experiences unknown to
their successors. For many years Dr. McGaughey and
Dr. Wolf did most of the practice in this region. There were (sic) no gravel roads, but much mud. The physician had many opportunities to do good to his fellow men, especially among the poor. It has been said the night was never too dark, the mud too deep or the weather too bad for Dr. Wolf to go forth at the call of those needing his professional services, no matter how poor. Many visits were made for which no charges were made. His cheery (sic) face and conversation gave hope to his patients and proved to be good medicine. In his 53 years of practice he ushered into life two or three generations and ministered to many hundreds in sickness, endearing himself to the hearts of many.
Dr. Wolf was optimistic (sic) and his hopeful, cheerful nature brightened every circle he entered. His genial manners and pleasant smile warmed and cheered many sad hearts.
The high esteem in which he was held by the physicians of Morristown was evinced
by the constant attendance and tender care they gave him in his last illness,
visiting him many times in the day and night and doing all that medicinal skill
could do to alleviate his s? and prolong his life.
His wife died in 1867. In March of 1869 he married
Mrs. Elvra J. Winship of Rush County, daughter of Osmyn and Nancy
Robinson, with whom he lived in the
enjoyment of great domestic happiness until his death.
In the home circle he was at his best. His home habits were such as to
mark him as a tender loving husband and father and endear him to all within the
circle. Here he will be missed most and remembered with sweetest
Dr. Wolf was made a Mason in Greencastle in the year 1844 and at the time of his
death was one of two remaining charter members of Morristown lodge No. 193, Mr.
W. W. Woodward being the other, and now the only remaining charter member.
He took the chapter degrees at Richmond, IN, in the fall of the same year, 1844.
In the year 1867 he took the council and commandery degrees at Shelbyville.
He always felt a deep interest and took an active part in educational
enterprises and was a staunch friend of the public schools. He was a
member and president of the board of trustees at the time of the erection of the
present brick school building.
In his early manhood Dr. Wolf associated himself with the Methodist Episcopal
Church and continued with that body of believers until 1861, at which time he
withdrew from that fellowship. On the 15th of March, 1897, he united with
the Church of [??????] From this time he took an active part in the work of
the church and his talks and exhortations in the prayer meetings were heard with
pleasure and profit.
If Dr. Wolf had lived until February 8th he would have reached the ripe age of
84 years. His has been a long, active and useful life.
He leaves to his wife and children the memory of an honorable and successful
life well spent and founded out of obedience loyalty and love to Jesus his
Savior and the hope of meeting again in the Father's house not made with hands.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelbyville Democrat
Thursday, August 8, 1901
Page 6, column 7
Mrs. Nellie Wolf, the only daughter of the late S. L. Dorsey and wife, died last Thursday at 7 o'clock at her home in Indianapolis of consumption, after a lingering illness. She leaves one son aged 6 years, her mother, and two brothers, Will and Shelly Dorsey. She was 26 years of age. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church of this city.
She with her mother, Mrs. Olive
Dorsey, removed to Indianapolis from this city some four months ago, at which time she was in failing health and hoping the change might be beneficial to her. Every attention was given her by her mother and brothers, but the ravages of the dread disease could not be stayed. She was married several years ago to
Clyde Wolf, of this city, but their domestic life was not happy and after a few years of married life secured a divorce from him. He is now a soldier in the Philippines.
[Buried Forest Hill Cemetery]
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Daily Republican
Monday January 25, 1886
Page 4 column 3
Jesse Wolfe, aged thirty-seven years, died at his home in Morristown
on Sunday and was buried today at the Chapel cemetery, the Rev. Abbott
officiating. C. D. John funeral director.
Wednesday January 27, 1886
Page 2 column 3
Jesse Wolf died of apoplexy on Saturday evening at 6:30 o’clock. On
the morning previous to his death he was out in town arranging for his day’s
labor, but without a moment’s warning he fell helpless to the ground, and in
falling it is presumed that some serious damage was brought about that caused
his death more instantly than would have been had he not fallen on the hard
earth, striking his dead severely. He leaves his second wife and three small
children, two of them by his first wife and one by his last. One little boy and
girl are left without father or mother. This is very sad, but they have kind and
good relatives who will see to their wants. The funeral services took place at
the M.E. church on Monday at 2 p.m., Rev. Abbott officiating. Remains were
interred at the Chapel cemetery. Mr. John, funeral director.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Daily Evening
Friday January 21, 1881
Page 5 column 3
WOLF—On Wednesday morning at 5 o’clock, of consumption, Mrs. Jesse Wolf,
of Hancock county. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, at Asbury Chapel.
Wednesday February 2, 1881
Page 1 column 1
Among the homes that death has made desolate is that of Mr. Jessie Wolf,
who mourns the loss of a loving wife. Mrs. Wolf was formerly Miss Sallie
Adams, of this place, and had two little interesting little children, who
will never know the tender loving care of a mother.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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