Mitchell  Family  Album
Page 2

W. A. Mitchell farm family of Noble Twp.
ED - Edgar Thomas Mitchell (1880-1961), then teacher in Noble Twp., later physician at Romney, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana
GEO - George Washington Mitchell (1877-1959), eldest son of WAM, later builder and postmaster at Waldron and
        owner-operator of St. Paul hatchery
JOHN - John William Mitchell (1893-1949), later grain elevator employee in Waldron and St. Paul
BERTHA - Bertha Agnes Mitchell (1885-1969), later Mrs. Elmer Kelso Amos, Shelby Twp. farmers
FATHER - William Alexander 'Billy' Mitchell (1852-1924), Noble Twp. farmer and fertilizer salesman
MOTHER BETTY - Elizabeth Margaret 'Betty' Leffler (1863-1937), second wife of 'Billy' Mitchell and mother of John

Notes:  (1) Missing is eldest child, Mary Jane 'Jenny' Mitchell (1876-1947), then Mrs. J. E. Keeling whose husband was a physician at Geneva and later Waldron.
            (2) The mother of all but John was Elizabeth Margaret 'Maggie' Allen (1853- 1890), bu. Floyd cemetery, Noble Twp., near the farm.
            (3) This home (without the porch) is still standing on the farm now owned by the family of the late George Trimnell.  It is located on 850S, one mile north of Geneva.

Submitted by Don T. Mitchell

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