Shelby County, Indiana
Greenlee Family Album

This was in my great grandmothers things. I am
pretty positive it is William Greenlee and Missouri Perkins
(her aunt) with
their children, Clyde, Claud, Pleas, Chase, Edith
and Alice. The picture has the
studio "Orebaugh Shelbyville, Ind." engraved in the bottom of the frame.
It is my
great-grandmother's only Shelbyville connection and after doing quite a bit of
research it is a perfect match for this family given the birth dates. etc. Enjoy!
Terri Stevens
I have the original, but some of the names [given by Terri] are not correct. The
two sisters are Mable Greenlee-Monfort and Margurite
Greenlee. The men
are William B. Greenlee: father; Pleas, Claude, Chase,
Harry, Clyde and Bob: sons; and Missouri
Perkins-Greenlee, mother. Pleas was my father and William B. was my grandfather.
Mable and Margurite
were my aunts. Missouri was my grandmother.
I know what happened to all of these people if anyone is interested. William Edwards Greenlee
Photograph contributed by Terri Stevens
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