Churches of Shelby County IndianaRev. W. F. Smith, A.B.M.A., was born in Milroy, Indiana, October 19, 1872; was educated in the Milroy Public and High Schools. In the fall of 1890 he entered Moore's Hill College, where he remained for two years, spending the year of 1893 in DePauw University. He entered the Ministry of the Southeast Indiana Conference in 1894, which met in Shelbyville that year. In 1899 he graduated from Moore's Hill College iwth the degree of A.B.; three years later taking the Master's degree from the same school. He was married to Katherine Porrer, of Milroy, in 1894. Since that time he has served Delaware, Port Fulton, North Vernon, and is in his second year at his present charge, where he is meeting with unbounded success.
West Street Methodist Episcopal
Katherine Porrer Smith Rev. W. F. Smith
From Boetcker's Picturesque Shelbyville, page 50
Submitted by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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