Shelby  County,  Indiana
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Cherry  Family  Album

          This is a picture of my cousin  Debbie (Vance) Pierce.   She is the daughter of  Mary (Huls) Vance and  Howard H. Vance.
          Debbie ran the marathon held in Central Park, New York City on March 21, 2004.  She ran 26.2 miles in just 4 hours and 37 minutes, finishing 139th out of 800 participants.  She received a participation medal for running.
          Debbie is shown her wearing a plastic bag because she suffered from hypothermia during the race.  She said she had salt on her as thick as the salt on the rim of a margarita glass.  Debbie ran this race in honor of her mother who has suffered with colon cancer, kidney cancer and is now battling bladder cancer.

Contributed by  Nancy Vance Glover

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