No. 10882
Shelby Circuit Court,
October Term, 1915

Russell Eck,  Joseph Worland  &  Charles Worland

Ex Parte petition for Partition of real estate

Filed Oct. 11, 1915
Cecil B. Collins, Clerk Shelby Cir. Court

Ordered to
John Arnold, George McBride and Orville Morris

Wm. A. Yarling, Atty

State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:

We, John Arnold, George McBride, and Orville Myers [note: Morris is scratched out and replaced with Myers] do each severally solemnly swear that we will discarge the duties of Commissioners, in accordance with the within order, to the best of our ability; so help us God.

Signed: John Arnold
George J. McBride
Orville G. Myers

Subscribed and sworn to this 8 day of Oct. A.D., 1915
William A. Yarling,
State Senator, Elected Nov. 5, 1912

STATE OF INIANA,} Shelby Circuit Court,
Shelby County,           } SS: October, 1915 Term
THE STATE OF INDIANA, To John Arnold, George McBride and Oville Myers

Whereas, in a certain proceeding for the Partition of Real Estate, now pending in the Shelby Circuit Court of said County, wherein Russell Eck, Joseph Worland and Joseph Worland Guardian of Charles Worland are Ex Parte petitioners for the partition of real estate, the Court did then and there, on the 4th day of October, 1915, A.D., award Judgment of Partition of the following tract or lot of land, situate in said County, to-wit: Beginning at the North East corner of the south East Quarter of
Section 33 in Township 12 North in Range 8 East, and running thence West 238 rods; thence South 67 and one thrid rods thence East 238 rods to the East line of said south East Quarter of said section 33; thence North 67 and one third rods, to the place of beginning, containing One-hundred acres, EXCEPT Sixty Acres off of the entire West side of above described tract of land.

And did then appoint you, the said John Arnold, George McBride and Orville G. Myers Commisioners to make partision of said tract or lot of land, and said Commissioners are hereby ordered, after taking the oathrequired by law, to set apart the same to the said parties in the following proportion, to-wit: To the said Russell Eck the one third value of said real estate, to said Joseph Worland the one-third value of said real estate and to the said Charles Worland the full one-third value of said real
estate and that you make report of your proceedings in the premises during the October, Term, 1915 of said Court.

Witness, The Clerk and seal of said Court, at Shelbyville, Indiana, this 4th day of October 1915, A.D.

Cecil B. Collins, Clerk


The undersigned Commisioners, appointed at the October Term of said Court, to make partition of lands belonging to Russell Eck, Joseph Worland and Charles Worland described herein after subscribing to the oath herto atached and qualifying as prescribed by law after carefully viewing the said lands, and in pursuance of the order of this court, made on the 5th day of Oct. 1915i in the above cause, by which order the undersigned were appointed commisssioners and directed to make partition of the real estate described inthe warrant hereto attached and described in said petition, we, the said commissioners, to respectfully
report that pursuant to the annexed warrant we have made partition thereof as follows, to-wit:

To the petitioner,  Russell Eck,  we have allotted the following described parcel of said lands in Shelby County, Indiana to-wit. Beginning at a point 62 rods and 14 1/2 feet west of the North East corner of the South East Quarter of section 33 in Township 12 North in Range 8 East, and running thence West 33 rods and 2 feet; thence South 67 rods and 5 feet; thence East 33 rods and 2 feet; and thence North 67 rods and 5 feet to the place of beginning, containing 14 acres, more or less. The same to held by him in severally and in fee simple.

To the Petitioner  Joseph  Worland  we have allotted the following described parcel of said lands to wit: Beginning at North East corner of the South East Quarter of section 33 in Township 12 North Range, 8 East and running thence West 29 rods and 12 1/2 feet; thence South 67 rods and 5 feet; thence East 29 rods, 12 1/2 feet and thence North along the East line of said South East Quarter of said section 33 67 rods and and 5 feet to the place of beginning, containing 12 acres more or less, said land being in said Shelby County, Indiana. The same to be helb by him in severally and in fee simple.

To  Charles  Worland,  petitioner, we have allotted the following described parcel of said lands to-wit: Beginning at a point 29 rods, 12 1/2 feet West of the North East corners of it and South East Quarter of section 33 in Township 12 North in Range 8 East in said Shelby Coutny, Indiana, and running West 33 rods and 2 feet; thence sSouth 67 rods and 5 feet; thence East 33 rods and 2 feet and thence North 67 rods and 5 feet to the place of beginning, containgin 14 acres more or less. The same to be held by him in severally and in fee simple.

We also attach to this report a plat showing the respective shares of petitioners the same being marked Exhibit “A” .

We also report that we have actually been employed 1 day in making the partition aforesaid except the undersigned commissioner McBride who is a civil Engineer who has prepared said plat and made proper survey of said lands who has been employed 1 1/2 days in daid work. Said Commissioners Arnold and myers make no charge for this service and said McBride charges for 1 1/2 days by six dollars in all.

All of which is respectfully submitted.  And in witnes whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 8th day of Oct., 1915.

John Arnold
George J. McBride
Orville G. Myers,

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