Last  Will  and  Testament  of

 Abraham  Tresler


Shelby County Indiana
Will Book 1
Page 121-122
In the name of the benevolent father of all I  Abraham Tresler  of the County of Shelby and state of Indiana do make and publish this my last will and testament this twenty fifth day of April A.D. one thousand Eight hundred and sixty four.

Item. First     it is my will that all my honest debts be paid out of my estate.

Item. Second     that my funeral be conducted in a decent manner according to the customs of the Country

Item. Third     I will property both real and personal to  Rebecca Tresler  my wife during her natural life and after her death it is my will that my estate be equally divided between my lawfull heirs. I make and I appoint Rebecca Trisler, Executrix of my last will and testament.
Attest:   Susannah Mann   [signed] Abraham X Trisler
  Francis Amos                      mark  

The State of Indiana, Shelby County ss
Be it remembered that on this 4th day of June A.D. 1864 personally appeared before me the undersigned Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, of said County Francis Amos one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instrument of writing To wit, the last will and testament of Abraham Tresler, deceased, now produced, and offered for probate and record before me said Clerk and the said Francis Amos, being by me duly sworn to speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth touching the execution of such will deposes and says That the said Abraham Tresler signed and published and declared said Instrument of writing to be his last will and Testament in his presence and in the presence of Susannah Mann, subscribed their names to said will as attesting witnesses thereto in the presence of said Testator and in the presence of each other, that said testator the time of making and publishing said will was of lawful age to devise his property to wit over the age of Twenty one years, of sound mind and memory and not under any coercion or restraint whatever.
[signed] Francis Amos

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of June 1864 In Testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court at Shelbyville the date above written.
[signed] Alonzo Blair, Clerk

State of Indiana, Shelby County ss
I Alonzo Blair Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County certify that the within last will of Abraham Tresler, late of Shelby County deceased, has been duly admitted to probate that its execution was this day proven by Francis Amos, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto whose proofs together with such will have been duly recorded on page 121 & 122 of the record of wills in our office.

In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 4th day of June 1864.
[signed] Alonzo Blair, Clerk

Transcribed by Connie Shotts

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