NOTE: Philip Robins was the son of John, and the father of Dr. Milton
This family is that of Philip’s son Newton Dudley, brother of Milton
Philip Robins was born Oct. 56th A.D. 1785 in Washington Co. Penn.
Nancy Boyd was born March 6th A. D. 1791 in Lexington KY.
Sylvan B. Morris was born Nov. 24th A. D. 1795 in
Catharine Knox was born in Ireland 1801.
Newton Dudley Robins, son
of Philip and Nancy Robins, was
born July 8th A. D. 1818 in Greenfield, Ohio.
Martha Henderson Morris,
daughter of Sylvan B. and Catharine
Knox Morris, was born July 2nd A. D. 1826 in Shelbyville, Ia.
Sylvan Baldwin Robins, son
of Newton D. & Martha H. Robins,
was born Nov. 14th 1844 in Shelbyville, Ia. (sic-IN).
Martha Mymilla Robins, daughter
of Newton D. and Martha H. Robins,
was born January 31st 1847 in Edinburgh.
Infant daughter of N. D. and
M. H. Robins was born May 12th A.D. 1850 in Edinburgh, Ia.
Newton Dudley Robins, son of Newton
D. and Martha H. Robins, was born Nov. 23, 1851 in Edinburgh, Ia. (sic-IN)
Catharine Knox Robins, daughter
of N. D. & M. H. Robins, was born
Oct. 23rd 1854 in Shelbyville Ia. (sic-IN)
Lorin Morris Robins, son of Newton
D. & Martha H. Robins, was born January 6th A. D. 1859 in
Shelbyville, Ia. (sic-IN)
Philip, son of John
& Sarah Robins, and Nancy,
daughter of ____ & Margery Boyd,
were married Dec. 12th 1809 in Highland Co. OH.
Sylvan Baldwin, son of David
and Sarah Morris, and Catharine,
daughter of John and Margret
Knox, were married May 25th A. D. 1825, Lebanon Ohio.
S. B. Morris and Frances
Henderson were married Jan 12th, 1837, Lebanon, Ohio.
Newton Dudley, son of Philip
and Nancy Robins, and Martha
Henderson, daughter of Sylvan
B. and Catharine Morris, were married Feb. 15th 1844 in
Shelbyville IA (sic-IN)
Fannie Robins, daughter of Newton
D. and Martha H. Robins, was born Oct. 26 A. D. 1861 in Shelbyville Indiana
John Everett Robins, son of Newton
D. and Martha H. Robins, was born April 27th 1866 .
Emmett Paul Robins, son of Martha
H. and Newton D. Robins, was born August 7th 1869 in Shelbyville
Philip Robins, son of John
and Sarah Robins, departed this life Jan 19, 1835, Shelby Co. Ia.
Catharine Morris, consort of S.
B. Morris, departed this life Sep 4th A. D. 1835, Shelbyville, IA
Sylvan B. Morris, son of David
& Sarah Morris, departed this life Sept. 6th A. D. 1843,
Shelbyville IA (sic-IN)
Daughter of N. D. and M. H. Robins departed this life June 8th
A. D. 1850, Edinburgh, IA
Martha Mymilla, daughter of N.
D. & M. H. Robins, departed this life March 19 A. D. 1862 in
Shelbyville, Ind.
Newton Dudley Robins, son of N.
D. and M. H. Robins, died Oct. 19th 1871 in Shelbyville, Ind.
Nancy Robins, consort of
Philip Robins, departed this life Oct. 10, 1858 Shelby County Ind.
John Robins, son of Philip
& Nancy Robins, departed this life February 29 A. D. 1860 in Shelbyville
Ind. unmarried. He was born Mar 6,
Emmett Paul, son of N. D.
& M. H. Robins, died Aug 31st 1876
Katie Knox, daughter of N. D.
& M. H. Robins died Sept 17th 1872
Sylvan B., son of N. D. &
M. H. Robins, died Feb. 18th 1883.
Lorin Morris, son of N. D.
& M. H. Robins, died April 19th 1883
Martha Henderson, wife of N.
D. Robins, died Aug 18th 1889, age 63.
Newton Dudley Robins died August 12th 1895, age 77.
Contributed by Anne
Walker Johnson

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