Shelby County, Indiana
Family History
Index to all
Indiana biographies, compliments of Deb Murray and the Indiana Biographies Project
GenExchange Searchable Biography Database
The US Biographies Project
Updated 07 February 2019
Adams, Edmund K.
Adams, Edward P.
Adams, John R. and Vanarsdall, America
Adams, Joseph
Adams, Marcellus Martin
Addison pension data
Allen, Christopher M. and Wishard, Sarah
Allen, Joseph and Sanford, George
Alley, Joshua S.
Allen, Sandy
Alsman, Oliver Drury
Alyea, Albert
Alyea, Robert
Amos, Ora A.
Amos, Roy
Anderson, William Otto
Applegate, Bartholomew W.
Applegate, William Archibald
Ardery, James
Armstrong, Brison Blackburn
Armstrong, Perry
Arnold, Alfred N.
Arnold, Clarence
Arnold, Elisha
Ash, Isaac
Avery, Daniel
Avery, William
Bacquelin, Vincent
Bailey, Henry C.
Baker, Benjamin F.
Baker, Hannah Elizabeth
Baker, Herbert L.
Baker, Reuben F.
Ballard, Jesse
Ballard, Joseph
Barkley, Martin
Barnard, Arthur
Barnard, Barzillai Gardner
Barnard, David Elmore
Barnard, Elwood
Barnard, Leander
Barnard, William C.
Barnard, William O.
Barngrover, William
Bass, Frank Earl
Bass, Leason
Bassett family.
Baumgardner, Edward
Baxter, J.H.
Beckner, Henry
Beggs, John
Bell, John W.
Bennett, Abel
Benson, Julius L.
Berry, Isaac Harrison and Nail, Christena
Berry, Mary Evaline and Russell, Thomas Alexander
Beyer, Joseph
Biggs, Reason
Bigler, Warren
Billman, Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon
Bishop, Cyrenius
Bishop, George
Bless, Christian H.
Blessing, John
Boals, John M. and Williams, Margaret E.
Bogeman, Cecilia
Bogue, Alfred
Bogue, Charles W.
Bogue, Josiah P.
Bogue, W. O.
Bone, Scott Cordelle
Boring, Caroline
Bowlby, Bertha
Boyd, Joseph E.
Bozell, Rev. George
Bright, Bert
Brockman, John
Brockman, W. T.
Brostuen, Anna
Brown, Claude
Brown, Daniel, Jr. (Rush Co, IN)
Brown, John Herrin
Brown, Matthew
Brown, Nicholas
Brown, Robert
Brown, William Wesley
Bruce, John T.
Bryan, George and Murphy, Mary Elizabeth
Burgess, Greenberry Fields
Burkhart, John
Burkher, Henry Jr.
Burkher, Henry Sr.
Burkher, William E.
Butler, Ira
Butler, Ovid
Buxton, Benjamin
Buxton, William
Callahan, Daniel
Campbell, Alfred J.
Campbell, Charles H.
Campbell, Joseph E.
Campbell, Thomas Henry
Campbell, William H., son of Alfred, son of James of Shelby Co
Campbell, William H. H., husband of Barbara Snyder
Carey, Simeon
Carey, Thomas
Carithers, Moses
Carney, Joshua Bollibaugh
Carson, Joseph L.
Carter, James C.
Carter, Joseph B.
Catt, Fred E.
Catt, Solomon
Catt, Wesley S.
Caughey, James T.
Chadwick, Edward H.
Chadwick, Marcus B.
Chadwick, Mary Hughes
Chambers, John E.
Cherry, Martin A.
Cherry, Maurice
Cherry, Sophia
Clark, George W.
Clark, Lester
Clarke, George W.
Clarke, John H.
Claton, James and Guile, Sarah Ann
Cleaver, J. W.
Coers, William H.
Coffin, Obed J.
Cole, Andrew J.
Cole, Ernest B.
Cole, Hiram B.
Conger, Thomas J.
Conklin, Bess
Conover, Samuel B.
Cooney, Michael
Cooper, Edmund
Cooper, James
Cooper, John W.
Copeland, William and Baker, Rosanna
Cory, Alexander
Cory, Frank M.
Cory, Henry S. and Alexander
Cotton, Hiram A.
Cotton, Thomas
Cotton, William
Courtney, Sanders
Cox, Cyrus B.
Coy, Albert Wayne
Coyle, Otto Lorenzo
Crane, Isaac
Crim, James Tally
Cropper, William
Crippen, E. H.
Crum, George W.
Crum, Joel and Sutton, Bellamy S.
Culbertson, Daniel
Cummins, Frederick P.
Curtis, James J.
Cuskaden, George
Cutsinger, George
Cutsinger, Martin
Cutsinger, Samuel (add'l bio from Johnson Co IN history book)
Dake, Benjamin
Dake, David
Dake, George Washington
Dake, John
Dake, Robert Anderson
Darnall, James M.
Daugherty, James A.
Davis, John
Davis, John N.
Davison, Ithamar
Dawley, Thomas H.
Day, Samuel Davis
Degelow, Bert
Deitzer, Jacob H.
Deiwert, William M.
DePrez, D. Wray
DePrez, Jacob G.
Deprez, John C.
DePrez, John Day
Deupree, Daniel C.
Deupree, John E.
Devening, Thomas N.
Devol, Clark R.
Devol, Thomas
Dewey, Jacob (Rush Co, IN)
DeWitt, Allen
DeWitt, Hiram
Dickey, Alfred
Dobbins, Douglas
Doble, Henry
Dodds, Dewitt C.
Dorsey, James H..
Drake, Hiram
Drake, Ithamar
Drake, Morris
Eagle, John
Eason, Ella
Eberhart, Jefferson Clayton
Eberhart, John
Eck, George
Eck, John
Elliott, John
Elliott, Robert
Elliott, Vanison M.
Elstun, George Brown (Rush Co IN)
Emmert, James A.
Engle, Ona
Enos, Joshua A.
Ensley, Martin V.
Ensminger, Elijah
Ensminger, Elzy
Ensminger, St. Clair
(This link will take you to the obituary page; St Clair died in 1914.)
Evans, Thomas
Evans, William
Ewing, Charles M.
Ewing, William A.
Farlow, Joseph M. (Rush Co
Fastlaben, Charles J.
Feaster, Jacob
Ferris, Edwin P.
Ferris, George W.
Fessenbeck, Allen G. and his father, Lewis
Fields, Edward J.
Finley, Thomas
Fisher, David
Fisher, Michael
Fix, Claude F.
Fix, James VanBenthusen
Fleming, Archie G.
Fleming, George R.
Fleming, George W., Jr.
Fleming, Joseph M.
Fleming, [Richard] Jefferson
Fleming, Thomas Wilson
Fleming, William R.
Floyd, Hallack
Ford, Porter
Fox, John Reid
Fraker, Anthony A.
Frazier, Elisha Lanham
Frazier, Otis O.
French, Joseph Robertson
French, James M.
Friday, Henry
Frisbie, Thomas
Garrett, William
Garver, John H.
Gehres, Robert W., Dr.
Gephart, Philip
Gird, George
Girton, Adam
Girton, Hon. C.
Glessner, Oliver
Goar, Eli
Goodrich, Andrew and George
Goodrich, Lewis
Goodwin, Harry Leonard
Goodwin, John
Goodwin, William, of Brandywine Twp
Goodwin, William A., of Noble Twp
Gordon, William B.
Graham, Perry Albert
Grasson, G. A.
Gray, James S.
Gray, Margaret
Green, Eli
Green, James
Green, John
Green, Lot
Green, William Frame
Greene, John William
Greenlee, Pleas
Gregory, James
Gregory, Samuel
Grimes, Oliver
Gross, Peter
Grubb, David
Guile, Jacob
Gwynne, George James Thomas O'Brien
Hacker, Thomas S. and Margaret Keith
Hacker, William
Haehl, George
Haehl, Philip
Hand, Harry and Ida
Handy, George O.
Handy, William F.
Hankins, Lewis
Hankins, William
Hardebeck, John B.
Hargrove, Alexander M.
Harrell, J. B.
Harrell, Madison Harvey
Harrell, Samuel
Harvey, Charles Boon
Harvey, Daniel
Harvey, Joel
Harvey, Mahlon D.
Harvey, Nathan
Harvey, Samuel
Hawkins, Hiram T.
Hawkins, J. S.
Hawkins, Samuel
Hawkins, William
Hayes, Samuel
Headley, Thomas and Eliza Jane Carney
Heck, Jasper Newton
Hegner, Lawrence H.
Heistand, Benjamin
Henderson, Jefferson Franklin
Hendricks, John Thompson
Hendricks, Thomas A.
Hendrickson, Ben
Hendrickson, Hattie
Hendrickson, James
Hendrickson, Roy
Henley, Charles
Henley, Thomas W.
Hensley, Andrew
Henry, William L.
Herrin, Jesse
Heugle, Mrs. Mary
Hey, Jr., Peter
Higgins, Andrew J.
Higgins, William E.
Higgins, William Victor
Hilligoss, George W.
Hinds, George W.
Hinds, William W.
Hines, Anna Carmody
Hinschlaeger, Katie
Hoban, Theodore
Hoban, Hon. Thomas
Hoffman, Peter and Margaret Soltong
Hogue, Elisha
Holbrook, George Washington
Holbrook, John Jefferson
Hoop, Philip
Hoover, Isaac N.
Hord, Kendall Moss
House, George W.
Howard, John
Howard, Oscar
Howard, Stephen
Howell, Tense
Howery, Weldon E.
Huber, Otis
Huffer, Josephine Pavey Campbell
Huffman, James Oliver
Hughes, Robert
Hughes Chadwick, Mary
Hulsopple, Zachariah
Hungerford, Pliny
Huntington, Henry
Huntington, Thomas H.
Inlow, C. Fred, William DePrez and Herbert Haehl
Inlow, Cyrus
Inlow, J. W.
Inlow, William Deprez
Isley, C.P.
Jackson, Ezekiel Andrew and Parrish, Eliza J.
Jackson, Henry H.
Jackson, Thomas W.
Jeffras, Thomas M.
Jelf, William
Jenkins, J. R.
Jenkins, Martin Luther
Jewett, Edward P.
Johnson, Fred
Jones, Amos
Jones, Francis W.
Jones, George S.
Jones, Martin
Jones, Preston (Rev.)
Jones, Thomas S.
Joseph, Julius
Karmire, Charles E.
Kaster, Benjamin
Kaufman, B.
Keaton, John T.
Keaton, William D.
Keeling, James Edwin
Keeling, Rev. John
Keely, Samuel
Kehrt, Philip Peter
Keisling, George L. (Rush Co IN)
Keith, Jared Morgan
Keith, Jonathan H.
Keller, Michael
Kennedy, Archibald M. (Rush Co, IN)
Kennedy, Fred W.
Kennedy, George W.
Kennedy, John Y.
Kennedy, Samuel A.
Kennerly, Joseph
Kent, Eliphalet
Kern, Lewis
King, Abram St. Clair
Kinsley, George
Kirk, George W. F.
Kirwin, Patrick, A Family Ballad
Kitchel, Percy
Kuhn, Conrad
Kuhn, Jacob Jr.
Landwerlen, John
Layman, William
Laymon, Alfred
Laymon, David
Laymon, Jacob
Laymon, Marion
Lee, David
Lee, James
Lee, John
Lee, Tilghman H.
Leonard, Rev. Robert D.
Letsinger, J. C.
Levinson, Mrs. Joseph
Lewis, Edward Wayland
Lewis, Oscar
Lewis, William
Limpus, F. H.
Little, William F.
Logan, Newton A.
Looney, John W.
Love, Benjamin F.
Lowe, Jonathan H., Jr.
Lowe, William J.
Lucas, William
Macy, James, Jr.
Macy, John M.
Macy, Solomon
Macy, William A.
Macy, William R.
Macy, Phineas
Maddox, J. F.
Magill, James
Magill, Joseph
Maholm, Thomas
Major, Alfred
Major, Charles
Major, Stephen
Major, William
Maley, Henry
Mann, Laura Dake
Maple, David
Martin, Aaron
Martin, Samuel
Mathews, Charles X.
McAnally, Amanda Josephine
McCartney, James
McClain, Tilden
McConnell, George C.
McCrea, Albert
McCrea, Samuel P.
McDaniel, Erastus W.
McDonald, Charles P.
McFadden, William Gaston
McFerran, Marion W.
McGaughey, Samuel
McGuire, James
McKee, Harley Shultz, M.D.
McKinney, Charles W.
McLane, Alexander
McLane, Thomas J.
McNamara, Jeremiah
Means, Caleb F.
Means, Cornelius
Means, Fountain
Means, James Robert
Means, James W.
Means, John Lewis
Means, John Thomas
Means, Nehemiah
Meek, John T. (Rush Co IN)
Meer, Henry
Meer, Harry Orlando
Meiks, George Holbrook
Meiks, Sampson
Mellis, Adam
Mellis, Alexander
Meloy, Francis M.
Meloy, Thomas E., Jesse and Patrick
Meloy, William C.
Meltzer, Daniel
Meridith, James W.
Messick, Joseph B.
Metzger, Silas
Michelsen, John P.
Miller, E. B.
Miller, Jesse A.
Miller, John C.
Miller, John H.
Miller, Nicholas A.
Miller, William H.
Milleson, Noah
Minton, Madge Rutherford
Mitchell, William A.
Moberly, James H.
Moberly, John M.
Moberly, Thomas
Monroe, Andrew J.
Montgomery, John E.
Montgomery, Mary Young Young
Montgomery, Matthew R. and Sarah J. Heistand
Moore, William, Rev., d 1871 (link will take you to the Moore obituary page)
Morgan, Billy
Morner, John E.
Morris, Benjamin
Morris, Hamilton
Morris, Sylvan Baldwin
Morrison, Harry C.
Morrison, Josephine
Morrison, Judge Harry Clifford
Mount, Matthias
Mulroy, Anthony
Murdoch, M. G.
Murphy, John T.
Murphy, Morton
Mutz, Philo
Myer Family
Myles, Richard C.
Nading, John
Nail, John and Martha Ray
Nail, Obadiah
Nail, Roy
Nail, Samuel
Neal, George
Neal/Neil, Herbert M., including Robert H. (grfa) and George W. (fa)
Neeb, Peter (also check the obituary page)
Neibert, Lewis
Nelson, Enoch K.
Nelson, Jesse A.
Neu, William A.
Newton, George W.
Newton, Thomas Clifford "Squire"
Newton, William H.
Nigh, Jacob Stover and Sleeth, Matilda A.
Norris, William Richard
O'Connor, Samuel
Odell, Isaac (this link will take you to the obituary page)
Padrick, Daniel
Padrick, Jacob V.
Page brothers: Gordon, James, John, Edward, Donald, Walter
Parish, Pleasant F.
Parker, Edna Scott
Parker, James
Parrish, Edmond
Parrish, James O.
Patterson, William, Hon.
Patterson, William M.
Payne, George W.
Peck, John
Peek, Katie
Perry, Charles H.
Pettibone, Jesse
Phares, George W.
Phares, John W.
Phelps, Henry C.
Phelps, Jesse L.
Phillips, John H.
Phipps, Mike
Pierce, James Hubert
Pitts, H. C.
Poer, Joseph V.
Poland, Nathaniel
Pollard, Alexander Jefferson
Pollitt, Charles
Pope, Martin M.
Posz, Michael
Posz, Valentine
Powell, Bennet
Powell, Erasmus S.
Powell, Leonard C.
Powell, Leonard nmi
Powell, William A.
Power, Richard W.
Prewitt, H. L.
Pugh, William A.
Puntenney, C. M.
Query, Jacob
Randall, Caroline Amanda Hacker
Randall, James M.
Randall, Joseph B.
Randolph, Eva Jones
Randolph, Samuel Fitz
Ray, Barnabas
Ray, Daniel W.
Ray, Franklin E.
Ray, Harry C.
Ray, Martin M., b 1823, husband of Susan Cross
Ray, Martin M., b 1854/56
Ray, W. S.
Reece, John
Reed, Isaac
Reed, Joel W.
Reese, William A.
Rhoades, Harrison
Rhodes, Susan Kennedy
Rice, Alonzo Leora
Rice, J. S.
Rice, William A.
Rittenhouse, Henry
Robbins, Milton, M.D.
Robertson, John W.
Robins, Milton, Jr.
/ Robbins, Morgan Anderson
Roe, Charles J.
Rohde, Henretta
Rose, Jacob
Ross, Henry L.
Rossman, Mary Eliza
Rowe, George W. (Rush Co IN)
Ryse, W. J.
Salla, Lewis
Sandefur, Samuel A.
Sandefur, Sylvester W.
Sawin, Francis M.
Sawin, Isaac
Sayler, Dix W.
Schoelch, Mathias
Schott, Charles
Schroeder, Conrad
Schwall, Henry
Scott, Robert F.
Seely, Liberty J.
Sever, James B.
Shadley, William T.
Sharp, William (Rush Co IN)
Shaver, George
Shaw, Anderville E.
Shaw, John
Shaw, John E.
Shaw, Philip J.
Sheffler, Charles
Sheldon, Frank Clark
Shields, Bennett
Shortridge, James M.
Showers, Julius L.
Simmons, Edgar
Simmons, Joab
Sindlinger, Charles P.
Sleeth, James M.
Sleeth, John
Sluter, George
Small, Edward
Small, George
Small, Wilber
Smith, Henry
Smith, Hezekiah
Smith, Hezekiah, MD
Smith, James Henry, Jr.
Smith, Jetson W. (Rush Co IN)
Smith, John William
Smith, Rev. W. F.
Smock, Thomas M.
Snepp, George W., Jr.
Snepp, George W., Sr.
Snepp, Joseph H.
Snodgrass, John N.
Snodgrass, Robert G.
Snodgrass, Velasco R.
Snyder, Daniel
Snyder, Michael
Sorden, Isaac
Spaugh, Ralph Hill
Speigel, Christian
Sprague, Charles T.
Sprague, Jasper Hazen
Springer, William M.
Spurlin, George Washington
Spurlin, Henry
Stafford, Greenup and Limpus, Nancy
Stanley, Charles Anderson
Stephan, Frederick
Stephan, George
Stephens, Martin
Stephens, Philip
Steuart, James K.
Steuart, William P.
Steward, Solomon
Stewart, Joseph R.
Stillwell, Jeremiah Joseph
Stine, John
Stohry, Peter
Stone, Edward E.
Strong, Norman Hurd
Stroup, Samuel P.
Sutton, Bellamy S.
Swain, Chester
Earl F.
Swain, Oliver
Talbert, Barton M.
Talbert, Franklin
Talbert, Joseph
Talbert, Madison
Templeton, Leroy
Terman, Martha Cutsinger
Thacher, George C.
Theobald, George
Theobald, Michael
Thomas, Allen
Thomas, Jacob H.
Thomas, Sylvester
Thompson, Amos Perry
Thompson, John B.
Thompson, Jonathan (see 1878
newspaper article)
Thompson, Minerva Burns
Thompson, William J.
Thompson, William R.
Thurston, Arthur J.
Tindall, Charles A.
Tindall, Urus E.
Toner, Edward
Toner, John
Torline, H. Henry
Totten, John J.
Trackwell, Thomas E.
Travis, James J., Capt.
Trees, Alonzo N.
Trees, Irvin W.
Trees, John S.
Trotter, Maurice
Tucker, Alfred Smith
Tull, Isaac D.
Turman and Pierson, Restauranteers
Tyner, William Harris
Vanardsall, John Wesley
VanGorden, Elias D.
Vanlue, George W.
Vanpelt, Alexander
Vanpelt, Squire
VanWay, Moris
Vaughn, Claiborne
Vernon, John A.
Vogel, William F.
Waggoner, John, Jr.
Wagoner, Floyd
Wagoner, Hayden Hayes
Walker, Benjamin
Walker, Harry H.
Walker, John C.
Walker, Samuel K.
Walker, William
Warble, John
Warble, John W.
Wasson, Curtis
Wasson, Owen C.
Weakley, Benjamin J.
Weaver, Horace
Webb, Louis E.
Webster, Charles F.
Wells, Robert S.
Wertz, Daniel
Wertz, Jacob
Wertz, John
Wertz, Mathias
Whitcomb, Harry
Wicker, Thomas
Wiener, Samuel
Wilcoxon, William W.
Wiles, James
Williams, Amos and Allen
Williams, Charles T.
Wilson, David B.
Wilson, David Leonidas
Wilson, Isaac H.
Wilson, James
Wilson, Lee F.
Wilson, Melvina Dix
Wingate, John J.
Winter, Gustave G.
Winterrowd, John Z.
Winterrowd, Peter
Wolf, Jacob Grove
Wolfe, William
Woods, Joseph
Woolley, Joseph F.
Woolley, Thomas H.
Worland, S. B.
Wray, Albert and Isom
Wright, Charles M.
Wright, David A.
Wright, George
Wright, John
Wright, John A.
Wright, Matthias
Wright, Nancy Hitch Simmons Small
Wright, Thomas
Yarling, John E.
Yarling, John W.
Yarling, Michael
Yarling, William
A., Hon.
Young, Charles E.
Young, Joseph H.
Young, M. J.
Zauss, John H.

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