William C. Meloy
William C. Meloy, Retired, 26 East Broadway Street, Shelbyville, Indiana
William C. Meloy, s. of Jesse and Elizabeth (Hacker) Meloy; b. in Shelby Twp., Shelby Co., Ind., Jan. 19, 1863.
Jesse Meloy, s. of Patrick and Catherine (Connor) Meloy; b. in Lebanon, Ohio, in 1831. In 1834, he was brought by his parents to Shelby Co., Ind., where he later engaged in farming until his death, which occurred Mar. 20, 1908. His wife, Elizabeth (Hacker) Meloy, whom he m. Feb. 14,
1855, was b. in Sugar Creek Twp., Shelyb Co., Ind., June 9, 1834, and d. in Jan. 1908. She was the dau. of Thomas and Margaret (Keith) Hacker. Jesse and Elizabeth (Hacker) Meloy were the parents of 9 children: (1) Mary (Meloy) Nelis, who is now decd. (2) Thomas E.* (3)
Eleanor, who is now decd. (4) William C. (5) Elmer. (6) John
. (7) Wilfred. (8) Francis M.* (9) Walter R., who d. in early childhood.
Patrick Meloy, father of Jesse, was b. in Ireland. He later emigrated to Am., and settled in Ohio. In 1834, he moved to Shelby Co., Ind., where he entered Govt. land. He engaged in farming until he was accidentally killed, in 1860. His wife,
Catherine (Connor) Meloy, was a native of Ireland. They were the parents of 11 children: (1)
Isaac, who d. in the Civil War. (2) Allen. (3) Martha, wife of
William Worden. (4) Amos. (5 and 6) Twins: Jesse and Ezra. (7)
Mary, wife of George Heck. (8) Daniel. (9)
Rebecca, wife of James Myers. (10) John, who d. in childhood. (11)
William C. Meloy, was reared on a farm, and attended rural schs. He later engaged in farming, and operated a sawmill at Smithland, Ind., until 1895, at which time he moved to Shelbyville, Ind., where he operated a livery stable, 7 yrs. He then engaged in the gravel, cement, and contracting bus., constructing houses, streets, sidewalks, curbs, etc., in Shelbyville. He cont. in this bus. until 1916, at which time his sons assumed management of same, and Mr. Meloy erected the Strand Theatre Bldg., and estab. a new theatre in Shelbyville where there were located 2 motion-picture theatres known as the "Alhambra" and the "Cozy". He employed an asst. to operate the new theatre, and, in 1929, purchased the Alhambra Bldg. and theatre, both of which he has since operated. He then engaged in farming in Shelby County, where he owns 3 farms, 2 of which are located southwest of Shelbyville, and the other in Addison Twp., 2 miles northeast of Shelbyville. Mr. Meloy specializes in the raising of Poland China hogs, Shorthorn cattle, and Belgian horses. He is a Democrat, and a mem. of the following: Elks Lodge; Red Men; Citizens Hist. Assn. (Indianapolis, Ind.); and Bapt. Ch. His hobby is the breeding of fine Belgian horses.
In 1885, William C. Meloy m. Jessie Stewart, who was b. in Ripley Co., Ind., dau of
Dr. John B.* and Zarilda Stewart, of Shelbyville, Ind. The following children have been b. to Mr. and Mrs. Meloy: (1)
Edna, who m. John Niemeyer. She d. in Oct. 1936. Children: Madge; and
Jean, who is attending sch. in Belleville, Ill. (2) Dr. Earl S., who is a physician in Highland, Ill. During the World War, he served in the Med. Corps, in New Jersey. He m.
Winifred Nichols, of Wis., who was a nurse. They have 1 adopted child,
Lanette Meloy. (3) Paul H., who graduated from high sch., and attended Ind. Univ., 1 term. He was a soldier during the World War, and served overseas, 18 months. He then retd. to Shelbyville, Ind., where he was asso. with his father in bus. He is now engaged, in partnership with his bro.,
Joe B. Meloy, in the photograph enlargement bus., known as Meloy Brothers, Inc. He m.
Mary Rogers, and they are the parents of 1 child, Billie Meloy, who was b. in 1924. (4)
Joe B., who formerly was asso. with his father in bus., and is now a partner in Meloy Brothers, Inc. He m.
Cecil Cox, of Columbus, Ind., and they are the parents of 1 child, Donald C. Meloy, who was b. in 1920.
*For further data regarding Thomas E. Meloy, Francis M. Meloy, and Dr. John B. Stewart, see
"Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana" (B.F. Bowen & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., 1909),
pp. 938, 618, and 653, respectively.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming from the family files at the Shelbyville-Shelby Co Library.

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