Daniel T.
Daniel T. Culbertson, one of the prominent citizens of
Fairland, was born in Wayne County, Ind., May 24, 181 7. He was
the sixth of twelve children born to Robert and Rebecca (King)
Culbertson, the former a native of New Castle County, Delaware,
and the latter a native of Louden County, Virginia, of Scotch and
English descent, respectively. Our subject was reared upon a farm
in his native county, and at seventeen years of age he entered
White Water College, of Centreville, Wayne County, where he
completed a classical course, graduating at twenty-one years of
age. In the meantime he had taken up the avocation of a teacher,
having taught two terms before entering college. On completing
his education he resumed the business of teaching and thus continued for live years.
During that time he devoted his spare
moments to the study of law, and at the age of twenty-two he was
admitted to the bar. He entered upon the practice in Centreville,
and continued until 1845, when he located upon a farm and turned
his attention to agricultural pursuits. He thus continued in Wayne
County until 1863, when he located in Olive Hill of that county,
where he engaged in mercantile pursuits and also acted in the capacity of postmaster and railroad agent.
In 1867, he sold out and
after spending some time visiting with relatives in Virginia and Kentucky he came to Shelby County, in 1868, and located in
Fairland, a resident of which he has been ever since. He was married
January17, 1839, to Martha Hoover, a native of Wayne County,
and his former school mate. She was born March 17, 1818, and was the daughter of
Henry and Susannah (Clark) Hoover, both
natives of North Carolina. The death of Mrs. Culbertson occurred
October 22, 1867, and on the 17th day of November, 1868, he
was married to Mrs. Martha Smith, daughter of Alexander
and Sarah (Tallbot ) Bridgland, and was born in Campbell County,
Va., August 3, 1830. The first marriage of Mr. Culbertson resulted in the birth of five children,
Thomas J., Louisa A., Martha S., John F. and Anna
J., of whom John F. and Anna J. died, each one
aged about eighteen years. He and his present wife are the
parents of two children, Lillie D. and Carrie M., both living.
and Mrs. Culbertson are members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church. In politics, the former is a Democrat. While a resident
of Wayne County he served as Justice of the Peace five years. In
the fall of 1852, he was the candidate of his party for the office of
County Treasurer, and reduced an opposing majority from 2,500
down to sixty-three which reflects very creditably upon his standing in that county.
In 1876, he was elected one of the Commissioners of Shelby County and served one term, during which time
the county court was remodeled and fitted up to its present good
condition. In 1882, he was elected to the office of Justice of the
Peace and served four years. In all of his official capacities he has
discharged his duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to the
public. He is now acting as Deputy Prosecutor of Brandy wine
and Sugar Creek Townships. He is now in the seventieth year of
his age, and would easily pass for a man of fifty-five. He is an
influential man and he and wife are worthy and esteemed citizens. In 1880, Mr. Culbertson performed the duties of Census Taker in
Brandywine Township, and his report proved to be perfectly true in
every particular.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887,
"Brandywine [Township] Sketches, pages 610-611.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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