Thomas Devol
Thomas Devol was born in Washington County, Ohio, July
28, 1 81 7, son of Arphaxed and Mary (Dye) Devol. His father
was born in Rhode Island, and was raised in Massachusetts. He
came westward to Ohio, in a very early day, and died in Morgan County, in 1840.
His mother was born in Pennsylvania, and died
in Morgan County, about 1846. The subject of our sketch is the
fifth of eight sons, and is the only one now living. He was raised
on a farm in Morgan County, Ohio, and came to Indiana in 1835. He did not move to Shelby County, however, until 1839.
1842, this county has been his permanent residence. Mr. Devol
carried on the business of farmer until 1871, after which time he
lived in Shelbyville, and since 1874 has been a grain merchant. In 1842, he was united in the bonds of matrimony to
Miss Priscilla
B. Ross, who is a native of Ross County, Ohio. They have been
blessed with three children: Aurilla V., Mary M. and
Clarke R. Mr. Devol was once a member of the Whig party, but is now a
Republican, although very liberal in his political views. Mr. Devol became a Mason about twenty-eight years ago, and was
the sixteenth member to join the I. O. O. F. He and his wife are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is one of the
most zealous Christians in this city. He is one of the leading
spirits in all reforms and revivals. He attends the other churches
as well as his own, and loves to mingle his voice with other congregations in worship.
He is honest and upright in all of his business
dealings, and is one of the best men in Shelbyville.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Brant & Fuller, 1887,
"Shelbyville Sketches," pages 478-79.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming.

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