A. Neu
William A. Neu, City Treasurer, Shelbyville, is a native of
Germany, born in Bavaria, April 25, 1846. His parents, Louis C.
and Eva (Mackert) Neu, were also natives of Germany, the
former born in 1819, and the latter in the year 1821. Louis C.
Neu lost his wife in 1848, and the following year immigrated to
the United States and settled in the City of New York. He subsequently returned to Europe, and while making a tour of that
country died in London, England, in the year 1857. William A.
Neu was reared and educated in New York, and at the age of
thirteen engaged in the hardware business, which line of trade he
has successfully followed until the present time. He left New York
in 1875, moving to Bartholomew County, Ind., and from thence six
years later to Shelbyville, of which city he has since been an
honored resident. Since locating in Shelbyville, Mr. Neu has won
a conspicuous place in the estimation of his fellow citizens as is attested by the fact that in 1885, he was elected to the office of City
Treasurer, the duties of which position he has discharged in an
eminently satisfactory manner to the present time. He has also
made a creditable record as a business man, being watchful and
systematic in all his transactions, and noted for his financial ability
and prompt and honorable dealing. He is in strong sympathy with
the Republican party, and is recognized as one of its standard
bearers in Shelby County. Mr. Neu married in 1871, Miss Emma
C. Gruhl, who was born in Germany, November 30, 1850. To
this union have been born four children, to-wit: Louisa M., Edward E.,
William A. and Clara E. Mr. Neu is prominently
identified with the Odd Fellows fraternity, having joined the same
in 1885, and with his wife belongs to the Moravian Church.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Shelbyville
Sketches," page 519-20, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
From Boetcker's
Picturesque Shelbyville

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