Cyrenius Bishop
The ancestors of this gentleman were "English
folk," who settled in Virginia at an early day, where was born his grandfather, Levi Bishop, who grew
up and married his cousin, Rachel Bishop, also a native of that State, to whom were born eight children.
Levi Bishop was the Postmaster of his neighborhood for many years, and served in the war of 1812.
Abraham Bishop,
the father of Cyrenius, was the fourth in the family, and was born in Washington Co., Va., where he grew to manhood
and married Sarah Debord, daughter of George and Abigail Debord, of the county, whose father, Reuben
Debord, a native of Ireland, settled in the "Old Dominion" before the Revolutionary war. Of this
union were born eight children, Cyrenius being the eldest, having been born in Washington Co., Va., July 11, 1825.
In 1835, Abraham Bishop and family moved to Shelby Co., Ind., settling in Brandywine Township, where he entered
a piece of land, following the occupation of a farmer until his death, Sept. 16, 1856.
His wife survived him years,
dying at Indianapolis in February, 1873. The subject of this sketch was but 10 years old when his parents came
to this county, and here he passed his youthful days, working for his parents in summer time and in the winter
would go into an older settlement and attend school, working mornings, evenings and Saturdays to pay for board
and tuition. Thus he acquired a limited education by practicing the virtues of industry and economy; and, by persevering
application and rigid self-denial, he was enabled to store his mind with that knowledge which was then so difficult
to obtain. Soon after reaching manhood, viz., Dec. 17, 1846, he was married in Moral Township, to
Miss Mary
Henry, daughter of Samuel and Keziah (Jones) Henry, natives of Kentucky, who settled first in Decatur
Co., Ind., moving thence to Shelby Co., where he remained until death. Mrs. Bishop was born in Decatur Co.,
Ind., and had born to her seven children, six of whom are living. She died Aug 29, 1864, dying as she had lived,
a sincere member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Bishop was again married, Nov. 14, 1865, in Fairland, to
Miss Sarah
Lacey, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Sheddinger) Lacey, natives of Pennsylvania, who settled in
Ohio, where he father died. Mrs. Bishop was born in Ohio, close to Cincinnati, and moved to this county with her
mother, who is now living in Fairland. One son is the fruit of this union.
Mr. Bishop followed farming most of
his life, beginning as a renter, but by hard, persistent labor and saving habits, he soon owned a farm of his own.
In 1867, he was elected on the Democratic ticket, Recorder of Shelby Co., Ind., and immediately moved to Shelbyville
and entered upon the duties of his office, which he discharged faithfully, capably and honestly during the four
years of his official career. The day his term of office expired, he bought one-half interest in the drug store
of Dr. S. P. McCrea, in which he is still a partner. This firm has one of the leading drug stores
of Shelbyville, where everything that a first-class druggist ought to keep, will be found.
The Bishops, from the
grandfather to the present representative of the family, have all been faithful adherents of the Baptist Church.
In his business relations, Mr. Bishop is competent,
straightforward and honest, a man whose word many be implicitly relied upon, conservative in his views and opinions,
yet firmly adhering to that he believes to be right. He is a man of quiet, retiring habits, who by his honest and
charitable treatment of his fellow-man, has won hosts of friends. Of a kind, obliging disposition, high moral character,
and steady business habits, he can safely be classed among the representative business men of Shelbyville.
Atlas of Shelby County., Indiana, Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co, 1880., page 28.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Also see the "McCrea & Bishop" drug store article with
biographical information on Cyrenius Bishop

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