MADISON HARVEY HARRELL, Noblesville, Indiana, was born in Shelby county,
Indiana, December 27, 1866, son of Judge Wick and Lodemia Anne (Drake)
Harrell. He attended district schools until sixteen years of age, pursued
the normal teachers' course in the high school at Acton, Indiana, after which he
taught school six years. He began studying medicine under the preceptorship of
his brother, Dr. Samuel Harrell, at Noblesville, and was a student in the
.Homœopathic Medical College of Missouri from 1897 to 1900, receiving his
degree there in the latter year. He has since been a general practitioner of
Noblesville, and is a member of the Indiana State Institute of Homœopathy and
the American Institute of Homœopathy. He married Margret T. Huffman and
has two children: Augusta M. and Lee Ora Harrell.
"History of Homeopathy and Its Institutions in America", pp. 399-400,
(King, William Harvey, The Lewis publishing company, 1905)
(Name) Harrell, Madison M... (Residence) Fairland, Ind..... (Age) 33
(Preceptor) Dr. S. Harrell..... (Time of Study) 4 (Number of Courses
Attended and Where) 1 yr. Indianapolis, Ind.; 3 yrs. H. & M. C. of Mo.
"Transactions Of The Fifty-Sixth Session Of The American Institute of
Homoeopathy Held at Washington, D.C., June 19, 1900," p. 684 (Edited by
Eugene H. Porter, M.A., M.D. General Secretary, William N. Jennings, Printer,
Contributed by Mary Harrell-Sesniak

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