John Howard
JOHN HOWARD came to Noble Township in 1854, and took up forty acres
of land near where he now lives. Previous to this time he had lived in
Decatur [County, Indiana] on a rented farm, and before he went to Decatur
[County] he
lived at Brandywine [Township] in this county. He now owns a good farm of
280 acres, the fruit of his industry and ecomony. He has built an
elegant residence and other farm buildings. In 1852, January 22, he
married Miss Mary E. Pullen, who was born near Oxford, Ind., October 15,
1832. She was the daughter of William & Martha Pullen, of Irish and
German parentage. They were both reared in Virginia, and came to Indiana
in 1832, and came to Shelby County in 1851. By this marriage [of John
& Mary] nine children were born, of whom seven are now living:
Dennis C., James W., Sarah J., Jesse, Martha, Orthoe
and Oscar. Mrs.
Howard is a member of the Baptist Church and a fine Christian woman.
Howard's father was born in 1795, August 21, in Cam[pb]el[l] County, Ky.
He lived in Ohio the greater part of his life an a farm. He married Miss
Martha Baldridge in 1818. She was born in Westmoreland County, Penn., in
1798. He came to Decatur County in 1834, where he purchased a small
farm. He lived there until 1875, and then moved to Noble Township.
was a Democrat, and served as County Assessor for nine years. He died
January 19, 1882, at the age of eighty-seven. His wife died one year
before this. These worthy people have three sons now living, of whom
John Howard is the eldest. Stephen lives in this county, and Nicholas in
Livingston County., [Missouri]. John Howard was born in Ohio, August 14,
1824. He is a thorough business man and a member of the Democratic
From p. 730 of Brant & Fuller’s 1887 History of Shelby
County, Indiana - Noble Sketches
Submitted by Don T. Mitchell
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