John Goodwin
John Goodwin, a native born citizen of this county and at present a prominent citizen of Fairland, was born in Hendricks Township, November 10, 1831. He was the second of nine children,
three sons and six daughters, born to James and Patsy (Landingham) Goodwin, the former of
whom came to this county with his parents, John and Martha Goodwin, in 1822. The mother of
our subject was born in North Carolina. When the latter was about ten years old his parents removed
to Addison Township, where his youth was spent assisting to clear and cultivate a farm. As soon as
he became of age he took up the vocation of a farmer himself, and continued to devote his entire
attention to that pursuit, until 1883, when he retired and moved his family to Shelbyville. On the 26th day
of March, 1885, he moved to the town of Fairland, where he has since resided. For the past year he
has acted as salesman in the general store of J. W. Parkhurst. In connection with that he also performs the duties of Assistant Post Master. He was married December 31, 1851, to Margaret Ray,
a native of Addison Township, this county, born November 8, 1832, and daughter of Barnabus and Lydia (Truitt) Ray, both natives of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The former is a member of Shelby Lodge R. & A.M., No. 28; Shelby Chapter No. 20; Shelby Council No. 3, and of the Baldwin Commandry No. 2. Politically he is a
Democrat. He is a reliable and influential man and he and wife are worthy and esteemed citizens.
History of Shelby County, 1887, "Brandywine [Township], page
615, Brant & Fuller; 1887.
For further information on this family, contact Cindy or Jill Knitl.
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