John S.
John S. Trees is a native of Rush County, Ind., and was born June
5, 1838; he is the eldest son of John and Rhoda (Simmons) Trees, of
German and English descent. His parents married in Rush County, Ind., and
lived a pioneer life in that and Shelby County. In 1858, they removed to Howard
County, locating on the farm where our subject now lives; here they toiled and
improved their farm until they had a good home. Mr. John Trees died in
May, 1874, at the age of sixty-two years. Mrs. Trees (aged sixty-nine) is
still living, and makes her home with her children. Mr. Trees was in early
life a Whig, and later a Republican, and his religious views were with the
Methodist Episcopal Church. The subject of this sketch was reared on a
farm, and received a common school education, and February 10, 1858, he was
married to Miss Fannie E. Floyd, of Shelby County, and the same
year moved to this county, stopping with his father on the farm; he shortly
after returned to Shelby County, where Mrs. Trees died. Mr. Trees then
returned to this county, and assisted on the home farm, and in December, 1859,
he married Miss Mariah Hazzard, of this county. She died
September 20, 1870, leaving four children: Rolla A., Denny
M., Lizzie L. and Effie L. Mr. Trees was married to
his present wife, Miss Alice Curlee, of this county, March 1, 1872.
She was born in Johnson County. Ind., September 21, 1852. This union has
been blessed with four children: Rhoda S ., Fred L., Susie
M. and John G. Mr. Trees purchased a farm in 1859, and
November 8, 1870, he removed to Kokomo, having been elected Sheriff of the
county by the Republican party. After serving one term, he entered the
grocery business, continuing eighteen months, and in the winter of 1881 he
purchased the farm where he now lives. In 1863, he enlisted in Company E,
Eleventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Cavalry, forming a part of the Army of the
Cumberland, and was engaged in battle at Columbia, Spring Hill, Crasked Creek,
and December 15 went out to meet Gen. Hood, at Nashville, and was here struck in
the right thigh by a minie ball. He lay all night on the battle-field, and
the next morning was taken to Columbia Hospital, where his wound was
dressed. A few months later, he was transferred to Jefferson Barracks, and
later came home on a furlough. He was honorably discharged in June, 1865;
he was compelled to go on crutches for nine months, and is a cripple for
life. Mr. and Mrs. Trees are active members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, and Mr. Trees is a Republican in politics, and a member of the I.O.O.F..
Counties of Howard and Tipton, Indiana, "Liberty Township," F.A. Battey & Co., Chicago, Illinois,
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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