Oscar Howard
the progressive farmers of the younger generation in Noble township, none have made a better records than Oscar Howard. In addition to his agricultural pursuits, in which he has shown good judgment and a desire
to keep up with the head of the procession, Mr. Howard has developed talents for business in other lines, and when
called on by his neighbors to look after official duties has shown that he was fully competent to do it well.
Naturally fond of politics he has figured prominently and influentially as one of the leaders of the Democratic
party. He is consulted in campaign times, and his advice as to the best way to meet "the enemy" and
wrest victory for his own side is listened to with attention. Altogether he is a fine type of the business farmer,
as well as the progressive citizen and numbers his friends by the score. Oscar is a son of John and Mary (Pullen) Howard, both of whom represent old and well established families
in this part of Shelby county. He was born in Noble township, Shelby county, Indiana, December 29, 1872. His
brothers and sisters were Dennis,
James W., Sarah J., Jesse, Mattie and
Othor, all of whom lived in the county excepting James W. and Jesse. Oscar grew up on his
father's farm and was given the training for work which proves invaluable in after life. He attended the excellent
district schools of Noble township, securing a good education and was fitted at an early age to engage in business
for himself. At the age of twenty-one he was married to Nora Fiscus, one of the neighborhood girls, the ceremony
being performed on January 24, 1894. Mrs. Howard was born in Noble township, October 1, 1877, her parents being
J. A. and Maria (Peak) Fiscus. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have one son, Russell, who was born
January 1, 1901. In November, 1904, Mr. Howard was elected to the important office of Trustee of Noble township,
and served until January 1, 1909, discharging his duties in a way that was entirely satisfactory to his constituents.
He succeeded Fred Metzler in this office, and was one of the youngest men ever elected
in Noble township. Mr. Howard owns eighty acres of good land and his principal business is farming and stock raising.
He lives in a large and comfortable brick house that was built by his father, and is always ready to extend an
old-fashioned hospitality to his many friends. He has served as a member of the Democratic Central Committee of
Shelby county and for years has been one of the active party workers. He is a member of Sulphur Hill Lodge, No.
241, Knights of Pythias, is past chancellor, and has served as a member of the Grand Lodge.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana by Edward H. Chadwick, B.S.,
assisted by well known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages 745-746.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming.

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