Lewis E. Goodrich
E. Goodrich, Shelbyville Banker,
has lived in that community all his life. Shelby County was the birthplace of both his father and grandfather.
Mr. Goodrich was born at Shelbyville March 15, 1874, son of William A. and Margaret (Rapp) Goodrich, and grandson of Lewis Goodrich.
His grandfather was a farmer in Sugar Creek Township until the Civil war, when he joined
a regiment of Indiana volunteers and had served three years when he was killed in one of the battles of Sherman's
campaigns through Georgia, that of Peach Tree Creek. He married Elizabeth Edwards,
also of a pioneer family. It was the great-grandfather of Lewis E. Goodrich who was the first member of the family to come to Indiana. William A. Goodrich was a lumberman by occupation
and always active in fraternal organizations and a devoted Republican. He and his wife had a family of three sons.
Lewis E. Goodrich attended the grade and high schools
of Shelbyville and was only fifteen years of age when he was getting his first training in a commercial career
as clerk in a grocery store. In 1892, when he was seventeen, he was employed by the First National Bank of Shelbyville, as bookkeeper, and has been with that institution steadily for thirty-seven years, earning promotions to general ledger clerk, assistant cashier, in 192[?] became cashier, and since April, 1926, has been vice president and a
director of of the strongest banks in Southeastern Indiana. He is also a director of the Union Building Association and has frequently been given positions of financial trust. He has been treasurer of the Business Club and treasurer of the First Methodist Episcopal Building Association. During the World war he was associated with the president of the bank in the various drives for the sale of bonds and the raising of war funds.
Mr. Goodrich first married Maggie Mook, who died, leaving a daughter, Helene, who is now the wife of Leonard F. Cherry. Mr. Goodrich's second wife was Lillian Rosebrock, who left a daughter, Mildred, now the wife of Frank C. Yarling. Mr. Goodrich's third wife is Mary Schmoe, of Hancock County, Indiana. Mr. Goodrich is a member of the Indiana State and American Bankers Associations, is a Kiwanian and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
3, Charles Roll, A.M., The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931, pages 374-375.
Contributed by Lora Radiches

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