SNYDER, an enterprising farmer of Hendricks Township, was born December 23, 1839, being the eldest child of a
family of fifteen children born to Michael
and Magdaline
(Lambert) Snyder, (See sketch of Michael Snyder). Daniel remained at home
and assisted his parents until he attained the age of twenty-five years, receiving a common school education.
Being the eldest son, his father needed his help on the farm, and in consequence, was not permitted to attend school.
December 27, 1864, his marriage with Clarissa
A. Kennedy, was solemnized, and
to that union this one child has been born: Alma
K., born February 22, 1877. Mr.
Snyder has always made farming his occupation, and he has been quite successful. He now owns 172 acres of well
improved land. In politics he is a Republican.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, page 663.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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