Michael Posz
Michael Posz, County Treasurer and prominent citizen of Shelbyville, is a native of Bavaria,
Germany, and dates his birth from the 10th day of November, 1834. His parents were
John and Elizabeth (Schloss) Posz,
the former born March, 1808, and the latter about the year 1800.
They came to the United States in 1852, and for two years thereafter resided in the city of
Cincinnati. In 1854, they moved to Shelbyville, Ind., where their respective deaths occurred, the father
dying October 29th, 1885, and the mother December 29th, 1876.
Michael Posz received a liberal
education in his native country, and at an early age engaged to learn the trade of cabinet making, in
which he soon acquired great proficiency. He accompanied his parents to the United States in 1852,
and a short time after landing began working at the barber's trade, which he followed in the City of
Shelbyville for a period of nineteen years. In 1874, he was elected a Justice of the Peace, re-elected
in 1878, and in the meantime (1875) was appointed joint agent for the American and Adams Ex-
press Companies in this city. In 1881, he took charge of the Adams Express office in Shelbyville,
and three years later was elected on the Democratic Ticket, Treasurer of the Shelby County, his
majority being 521, a fact which attests his great personal popularity and superior business ability.
His management of the office was such that in 1886, he was renominated, and after a spirited
contest was again elected by an overwhelming majority. Mr. Posz may be regarded as a true type of the
successful self-made man of his town and county. He is a good financier and careful business man,
his judgment being seldom wrong in matters of business policy.
Beginning life's battle in a field of adversity, with the aid of little or no capital, and a meagre experience wholly dependent upon personal
effort, his good sense and sound judgment have forced success out of what to many others would
have been certain defeat, and at the same time secured a prominent position among the
representative men of Shelby County. He is an uncompromising Democrat in politics, zealous in the
advancement of party measures, and is recognized as one of the standard bearers of Democracy in this part
of this State. He married in the year 1857, Mary Maholm, who was born in Shelby County in the
year 1839. Mr. Posz is an Odd Fellow of high standing, holding at this time an important official posi-
tion in Shelby Lodge No. 39. He and wife are active members of the Presbyterian Church.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Brant and Fuller, 1887, page 522-23.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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