Joseph Talbert
Joseph Talbert, deceased, was a native of North Carolina, where he was born August 13, 1774. Rahah* Beeson was also a native of North Carolina, born July 30, 1779. They were married, and most of their family were born in that State. They came to Indiana in a very early day, and were the
parents of twelve children, as follows: Thomas, Edward, William, Polly, Jesse, Elizabeth, Anderson, Margaret, Paris C., Sally, Charity and Joseph A.
Paris C. was born March 3, 1814. January 11, 1838, his and Nancy Sleeth's, daughter of Judge John Sleeth, nuptials were
celebrated, and to their union ten children were born. Paris C. Talbert died December 3, 1864. His
wife was born March 12, 1817, and still survives him. Paris C. was an extensive farmer, owning at
the time of his death over 400 acres of well improved land. Of his children, these five are now living:
Sylvanus, William, Louise J., now Mrs. Bower; Barton M.
and Madison. The latter was born December 3, 1855. He was reared to manhood in Union Township, remaining at home and
assisting his mother until he attained the age of twenty-three years, receiving a limited education, his
help being needed on the farm. April 12, 1879, his marriage with Capitola E. Gunning was solemnized, and to their union these three children have been born: John W., Clara B. and Walter B. He has always made farming his occupation, and he has been very successful. He now owns 180 acres of well improved land. In politics he is a Republican.
From the History of Shelby County, Indiana Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, page 776.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming
* Per records of the Society of Friends, Joseph's wife is Rebecca Beeson, daughter of William Beeson
and Elizabeth. - PMF

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