Shelby County Indiana
John Sleeth,
who has been a resident of Shelby County since the last of
November, 1820, was born in Greene County, Ohio, November 25, 1814. His parents were
John and Sarah (Butler) Sleeth, the former was the son of Alexander Sleeth, whose parents
were natives of Ireland, and had emigrated to America, and resided in New York but a few
weeks when Alexander was born. He accompanied his parents to Virgainia, where he grew to
manhood and was married. They soon afterward removed to Tennessee, where Mrs. Sleeth
died and Mr. Sleeth returned to Virginia. After taking part in the War of the Revolution, he
returned to Virginia and was married to Miss Nancy Smith, by whom he had ten sons and
three daughters. They emigrated to Greene County, Ohio, in 1808. In February, 1815,
Alexander, with several of his sons, removed to Union County, Ind., where they secured
homes, and Alexander continued to reside there until his death, which occurred during
the summer of 1820. His son, John Sleeth, who was the father of our subject, came and
located in Marion Township, Shelby County, in the fall of 1820. John and Sarah Sleeth
were among the first settlers of Shelby County, and continued to reside here until
their respective deaths, which occurred as follows: Mrs. Sleeth, March 7, 1839, and
Mr. Sleeth September 15, 1851. Mr. Sleeth while a resident of this county, held some
very responsible positions. For fourteen years he was Associate Judge, and also
filled the position of County Commissioner. Our subject, John Sleeth, as stated, was
six years of age when he accompanied his parents to Shelby County, therefore his life
has been principally spent here. His early educational advantages were limited, owing
to the scarcity of schools. He remained at home until he was twenty-five, and
February 14, 1839, he was united in marriage with Miss Rebecca Talbert, daughter of
John and Elizabeth Talbert, who were native of North Carolina, where, in Guilford
County, Mrs. Sleeth was born June 13, 1818. This union was blessed with seven children:
Fernandes, Addison, Asa, Sarah J., Ann M, Nancy L.,
Matilda A., all living.
Mrs. Sleeth died October ?0, 1883. She was a kind and loving wife and mother, and a
member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Sleeth is also a member of that church,
having united at the same time his wife did, in 1837. Politically, he is a Republican,
and expects to end his days a member of that party. His first vote was for Martin Van
Buren, and he continued to vote the Democratic ticket up to 1856. For eight years he
was Trustee of Union Township, this county, but has never sought political honors.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, pages 717-718.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming.

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