Matthias Wright
Matthias Wright, a leading, substantial citizen of this county,
was born in Ross County, Ohio, at what is now Frankfort, October 22, 1818.
He is the son of Caleb and Mary A. (Sleeth) Wright, who were natives of New Jersey and Virginia,
respectively. Mr. Wright was reared to manhood in Logan County, Ohio,
his parents were in limited circumstances and could not offer him many advantages for obtaining an education, but he improved every
one that was afforded, and the knowledge obtained was the germ of a liberal education acquired latter by close
application and hard study without the aid of a teacher. He taught for several
years in
Ohio and this State; he had determined to make the law his profession, and in 1839, entered the office, as a student, of
Cyrus Wright, then located at Lebanon, this State. He pursued his legal
studies at such intervals as he could, being compelled during the
time, to continue teaching for a livlihood. In 1845, he reached
Shelbyville with a cash capital of fifty cents and a library valued
at $30, with which to begin the practice of his profession. Owing
to failing health he was compelled in 1850, to retire and seek a less
sedentary pursuit. He then removed to a farm now occupied by
his sons, Charles M., and David A., where he remained until
January, 1887, when he removed to Shelbyville. November 5, 1846,
he married Miss Amanda Young, by whom he is the father of
eight children, these three now living, David A., Charles A.,
and Nancy M. In his farming, the same effort characterized his
work as did every undertaking made during his life, and it is almost unnecessary to
say that he was very successful. He is now
the proprietor of 340 acres of well improved land. Politically he
is a Republican, and during his career as a lawyer served efficiently
as Prosecuting Attorney.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887,
"Addison Sketches", pages 603-604.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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