Shelby County, Indiana
Claude F. Fix
When six years of age, moved with his family to Sugar Creek
Twp, in Shelby County, Ind, where he was reared. He attended district
schools there and high school. At Boggstown, Ind. He later was a student at the Carl L.
Barnes School Of Embalming Indianapolis, Indiana, and graduated from Askin’s
School Of Embalming, Indianapolis. After attending high school Mr. Fix was
employed by Means & Senour, a grain company. Later in partnership with
H. Strickler, he founded at Boggstown Indiana the farm implement company known
as Strickler and Fix. He then was employed by the Nading Mill Company which
had absorbed the firm of Means & Senour. From 1905 to 1909, he served as
trustee of Sugar Creek Twp. In 1905 he became associated with R. T.
Stewart, a
funeral director of Shelbyville, Ind., and established and conducted a branch office at
Boggstown, in a room 6 X 12 feet. In Mar. 1906, Mr. Fix became a partner in
the undertaking firm, which was then known as Stewart & Fix, and was
located at 221 S. Harrison St., Shelbyville, Indiana. Their business
extended form
San Francisco to the Atlantic Ocean, and from New York to Florida. In 1921,
Mr. Stewart retired and Mr. Fix assumed control of the business, in which his son
Rufus W. Fix then became a partner, the firm being known as Claude F. Fix
& son. In 1924, the funeral home was moved into a new, and larger quarters
at 26 E. Broadway, where there are facilities for handling several funerals at one time. The chapel is equipped with a pipe organ and cathedral chimes. This thoroughly modern mortuary, which has an electric elevator, was th firs of its king in the vicinity. Mr. Fix is a stockholder in the Indianapolis Casket Co, which was originally located at 413 E. Hendricks St., Shelbyville, Indiana. He also is a man of the following: Masonic lodge; Order of Eastern Star; Kiwanis Club; K. of P.; I.O.O.F.; Red Men; Pocahontas Lodge, Citizens Historical Association. (Indianapolis, In.) and first Baptist Church. Mr. Fix owns farms on which he raises stock.
On Dec. 12, 1889, Claude F. Fix married Rhoda Beynon, of Shelby Co., Ind. Mrs Fix died Apr. 12, 1924. They were the parents of one child, Rufus Fix, who was born Feb. 12, 1905. He graduated from Shelbyville High School and later from Askin’s School of Embalming ( Indianapolis, Ind.) with one of the highest grades ever made in the state. Since 1921, he has been assoc. With his father in the undertaking business, in Shelbyville, Ind.
In 1925, Claude F. Fix married his second wife Anna Mohr, of Shelbyville,
Ind. No children have been born of this marriage.
Contributed by David Craig

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