Mathias Schoelch, is a native of
Germany born in Hesse
Darmstadt on the 20th of October, 1831, son of Peter and Barbara
(Braun) Schoelch. The father was born in the year 1805, married
in his native country and died on the Atlantic Ocean in 1854, while
on a voyage to the United States. Mrs. Schoelch was born in
1804, and died in Germany in 1843. The subject of this biography
is the eldest of five children born to the above parents, only two of
whom are at this time living. He enjoyed the advantages of a
liberal education in his native country, and in 1852 came to the
United States landing in New York, from which city he made his way direct to
Shelbyville, where he has since resided. For a
period of fourteen years he worked as a day laborer, and at the end
of that time in 1867, engaged in his present business, the manufacture of brick, which he has conducted with success and financial
profit to the present date. He is a Democrat in politics, and a member of the A. O. U. W., in the deliberations of which order he
takes an active part. On the 8th day of May, 1855, was solemnized his marriage with
Margaret, daughter of John Schroeder. Mrs. Schoelch was born in Germany,
November 17, 1829, and was
the mother of thirteen children, the following of whom are living,
to-wit: John C., George A., Conrad, Robert and
twins, Mollie, Maggie and Henry. Mrs. Schoelch died September
20, 1881.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, "Shelbyville
Sketches", page 533-34.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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