Shelby County, Indiana
Leander Barnard
Leander Barnard, son of Barzillai and Rachel (Roberts) Barnard, was born Feb. 22, 1845, near Rushville, Ind. He grew up on is father's farm and attended the Quaker church where Barzillai was a lay minister. Leander became a carpenter and constructed a number of buildings in Indiana. When he was 27 he married Florence (Flora) A. Williams.
On Sept. 14, 1892, Leander bought a small farm in the south part of Bond county. (North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 17, Township 4, Range 3.) The farm was about halfway between the Campground Church and the "Old Brick Church" and they attended both. Some family members are interested in the Campground cemetery. The family Leander brought to settle here consisted of --
Florence, his wife, then 38.
| Born 3/25/1854.
| Died 3/26/22.
Millie, 18.
| Born 2/19/1874.
| Died 3/23/61.
A. Frank, 17.
| Born 6/1/1875.
| Died 4/19/1898.
Fred A., 15.
| Born 12/11/1877.
| Died 10/25/51.
Terrell H., 13.
| Born 10/9/1879.
| Died 10/7/39.
Stella M., 10.
| Born 9/14/1882.
| Died 12/13/57.
Bertha B., 7.
| Born 5/4/1885.
| Died 8/11/1896.
Lena J., 4.
| Born 5/19/1888.
| Died 8/11/1896.
Mary D., 8 months.
| Born 1/26/1892
| Died 1/19/59.
April 11, 1899, Leander and family moved to Greenville, Ill., and built a house at 521 S. Charles St. He continued working as a skilled carpenter until shortly before his death, June 1, 1918.
Millie Barnard married William Henry McCaslin Nov. 24, 1897. They joined in the Oklahoma land rush of 1900 and homesteaded on a section of land north of Leedey. The filing right was signed by President Theodore Roosevelt. They had no children but became foster parents of Bonnie Leath, after her mother's death. They moved to Leedey in 1947 and had two homes demolished by tornadoes the same year.
A. Frank Barnard never married. Neither did Fred A. Barnard, who spent most of his working life in Decatur, Ill.
Terrell H. Barnard moved to Tulsa, Okla., where he worked for Bell Telephone Co. He married Pearl Caskey April 1916. They had four children: Terrell, Jr., who died at 16; Margurite, now (1979) 61; Thomas L., now 59; and Riley R., now 57.
Bertha B. Barnard, age 11, and Lena J. Barnard, 8, both died of Diphtheria Aug. 11, 1896.
Mary Deane Barnard married Herman Henry Wirz, Sr., of Greenville, Dec. 17, 1919.
Stella May Barnard was employed by the Helvetia Milk Condensing Co. (later Pet Milk Co.) where her supervisor was William Frederick Hebrank, son of Henry and Henrietta Eiffert Hebrank of Highland, Ill. They were married Sept. 27, 1904, and followed William's job back to Highland. Later, Leander Barnard built their new home. Stella died Dec. 13, 1957, after an auto accident. William died Dec. 26, 1960. Both had led very active lives, helping many others as they went along.
Their son, Clifford Barnard Hebrank, was born March 21, 1911 and grew up in Highland. After graduating from the School of Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, he joined his father in the Can Making department of Pet Milk Co. In 1935 Lillian Marie Roddy became his wife. She is the daughter of Gustav R. and Florence May (Yeager) Roddy of Milwaukee, and was born Nov. 17, 1910, in Columbus, Ohio. They lived in Richmond, Utah, for two years before settling down in Greenville. Lillian has always been active, having served as Brownie and Girl Scout leader; Senior President, Children of the American Revolution; President, Parents and Teachers Association; President, United Council of Church Women in Bond County. As a member of the Presbyterian Church she has served as Deaconess, Sunday School teacher and in other capacities. She is presently active in the Contemporary Literary Club; Hospital Auxilliary; Daughters of American Revolution and in painting and ceramics as a member of Prairie Artists Club. Cliff served in various civic activities including Board of Education; Trustee of Presbyterian Church' Library Board and a director of Edward A. Utlaut Foundation since its inception. They have two daughters: Mary Carolyn, born May 13, 1939, and Judy Marie, born Oct. 23, 1944.
Mary C. Hebrank married George Loren Schaufelberger, son of George V. and Lorraine (Thomason) Schaufelberger of Bond county, Nov. 5, 1960. Their three children are: George William, now (1979) 18; Ginger Marie, 16 and Wendy Gail, 14. Tragically, George Loren Schaufelberger died in an automobile accident May 7, 1970. Judy and the children continue living on their farm southeast of Greenville.
C. B. Hebrank
"Barnard and Hebrank Families in Bond County." Based on an accompanying letter, the intent was for this article to be submitted for inclusion in a county history book. - PMF
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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