Henry Doble
This genial, enterprising and popular hardware merchant
was born in Shelby Co., Ind., Sept 18, 1831; his grandfather, Joseph Doble, a native of Bucks
Co., Penn., of English descent. While quite a young man, was married in his native county, two sons being the fruits
of that union. His wife dying, he left his children with his mother, and went to Botetourt Co., Va., where he married
Barbara Estes, of that county and State, to whom were born five children - William
A., and Ursula being the only survivors, the former of whom was born August 25,
1798. The family moved to Boone Co., Ky., and there William A. grew up, and in 1821, was married to Catherine
Huffman, who was born in that county Sept 1, 1801, of German origin; eight children were born to them,
five of whom are living - Henry being the seventh in the family. His parents and grandparents came to Shelby
Co., Ind., in 1828, settling in Moral Township, where Joseph Doble died in 1834; his widow dying in 1852. Henry's
mother died July 11, 1833, and his father was again married, July 1, 1834, in this county, to Miss Margaret
J. Nickel, daughter of Robert and Mary Nickel, natives
of Lancaster Co., Penn., of Scotch and Irish descent, who moved to Nicholas Co., Ky., where Mrs. Doble was born
Jan 27, 1802. In 1826, her parents came to Shelby Co., Ind., settling in Jackson Township, where her mother
died in 1829; her father moving to Hendricks Township and dying there in 1836. By her marriage, four children
were born to her, three of whom survive. William A. Doble owned a large amount of land, and at an early day
laid out a town on his farm, on Sugar Creek, which grew for a time, but has long since ceased to exist. In
1845, he moved with his family to Shelbyville, for the purpose of giving his children an education, which they
could not obtain in the schools of his township. He kept hotel here for several years, and then moved on to a farm
close to this city, where he ramained until his dead, Aug 23, 1852. He was a man of honest, upright principles,
who abhorred trickery or deceit, and who, through the confidence he placed in his fellow-man, lost a great deal
of money. For many years he was Justice of the Peace in Moral Township; was a County Commissioner from 1840
to 1843. In politics, a Democrat, and a firm believer in the universal salvation of mankind. His widow is
still living, is in her 79th year, in the enjoyment of good health, and is a sincere member of the Baptist Church.
The subject of this sketch was raised on the farm,
and, in 1850, went as brakeman on the Shelbyville & Edinburg R.R., and in a few months took charge of an engine,
which he ran a short time; then got an engine on the I.C. & L. R.R., helping to build that road, and remaining
there two years. The following two years he spent as engineer on the J., M. & I. R.R., and from there
went on the Nashville & Chattanooga R.R., where he remained but a short time, and in August 1855, gave up railroading
as an occupation. He returned to this county, and ran a saw-mill about a year; then went traveling on the
road through the South. In 1857, he returned and engaged in the livery business, which he followed but a
short time. He was married in Shelby Co., March 28, 1858, to Miss Mary A. Tull, daughter of Joseph
and Hester Tull, natives of Maryland. Mrs. Doble was born in Bracken Co., Ky., and came with her
parents to this county when a child; she has had three children, two of whom are living. After disposing
in his livery business, he engaged in merchandising and grain dealing, in partnership with William McClure, in
which he remained until 1860, when he was elected on the Democratic ticket, Sheriff of Shelby Co., and re-elected
in 1852. He made a first-class officer, one whom the people could trust, knowing that he would perform his
duties honestly and capably in every emergency. When his official term expired, he engaged in the agricultural
implement business, which he carried on successfully until Marcy, 1879, then entered into partnership with Dr.
Owen R. Williams, in the hardware trade, in which he is now engaged. Aug. 24, 1880, Dr. Williams sold
his entire interest to J. G. Deprez, and the firm is now Doble & Deprez. Mr. Doble, for the past
six years has been an active working member of the Shelbyville Fire Department, and President of the same for the
last three years. He is a firm Democrat, and a Knight Templar. He is considered one of the best business
men of Shelbyville, a man whose honesty and integrity have never been questioned, and whose word can be relied
upon and trusted in to the letter. Free-hearted, generous and whole-souled, he can call every man his friend,
for he possesses that rare faculty of making friends and keeping them. This firm keep one of the largest
and most complete hardward stocks in the city, and Mr. Doble will always be found ready and attentive in looking
after the interests of every customer; and the purchaser may rest assured he is getting, at the lowest price, just
what the article is represented to be. Mr. Doble is probably the best-known business man of Shelbyville,
and, wherever known, is respected for his straightforward business qualifications, and his polite, genial and courteous
manner of treating every one with whom he comes in contact.
Illustrated Atlas of Shelby Co., Indiana, Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co, 1880, page 28.
Contributed by Christine A. Doyle, M.D.

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