Barzillai G.
Barzillai G. Barnard, one of Rushville's honored old citizens, was born in North Carolina, January 13, 1817. He was the seventh of thirteen children -- seven sons and six daughters -- born to William and Matilda (Gardner) Barnard, both natives of North Carolina, of English descent. His ancestors formerly came from Nantucket Island. His paternal granfather was Tristram Barnard. His maternal grandparents were Isaac and Eunice (Macy) Gardner. His six brothers were: Paul, Isaac, William D., Anderson, Byron, Sylvester, all of whom are deceased except the last two. His six sisters were: Lydia G[ardner], Eunice [Stanton], Mary B[arker Swain], Phebe, Margaret, and Malinda [McCorkle], all of whom are deceased except Malinda. When a young child less than two years old, his parents immigrated to Indiana and located in Union County, where our subject was reared upon a farm. When he was eighteen he accompanied his father and mother to Fayette County, where he was married at the age of twenty, or[sic] October 12, 1837, to Rachel Roberts, who was born in West Virginia [would have been VA], June 25, 1820, and was the daughter of Reuben and Jemima (Menson) Roberts. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Barnard continued to reside upon a farm in Fayette County until 1847, when they removed to Rush County and settled in Posey Township, ten miles west of Rushville. There Mrs. Barnard died October 4, 1882. In July, 1883, Mr. Barnard removed to Rushville, where he is leading the life of a retired citizen. He is the father of eleven children, as follows: Granville S., born September 25, 1838; David E., born November 2, 1840; Mary E. [Vance], born October 10, 1842; Leander, born February 22, 1845; Ambrose, born October 30, 1847; Cordelia J. [Green], born October 12, 1850; Linley P., born February 2, 1853, died September 16, 1854; Marshall M., born October 8, 1855, died June 7, 1878; Herman J., born May 31, 1859; Helen J. [Merrill], born May 31, 1859 (a twin of Herman J.), and Ollie C. [Hall], born September 10, 1862. Mr. Barnard is a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and he is an ardent Republican in politics. He is one among the worthy and honored old citizens of Rush County.
From History of Rush County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, pages 676-677.
Submitted by Phyllis Miller Fleming
* Barzillai Gardner Barnard - pmf

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