William R. Macy
William R. Macy,
was born in Guilford County, N. C., Dec. 1, 1820, the second of twelve children
of Enoch and Nancy (Rayle) Macy, natives of North
Carolina. His father was of the fourth generation of Macy's living in
North Carolina. He was by trade a blacksmith and ploy manufacturer.
In 1835 he emigrated to Indiana and settled in Wayne Township, Henry County,
where he purchased 200 acres of land and lived till his death. He was a
birthright member of the Society of Friends and a strong anti-slavery man.
He lived an upright life, and had the confidence and esteem of all who knew
him. He died at the age of eighty years. His wife survived him two
years. Our subject remained with his father till manhood, assisting him on
the farm and in the shop. He was married in 1842 to Sally W.,
daughter of Job and Hannah Dix. Of their four children
but three are living -- John B., Emily J. and Julia C.
After his marriage Mr. Macy purchased a small farm in Spiceland Township, and
erected a shop, where he has since followed farming and worked at his trade with
the exception of three years. He and his wife are members of the Society
of Friends. Politically he is a Republican.
History of Henry County, Indiana, Chicago: Inter-State
Publishing Co., 1884, page 821.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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