Shelby County, Indiana
Isaac N. Hoover
Isaac N. Hoover, a prosperous farmer of section 34, Washington township, deserves the honored title of "old settler," having lived in this
county ever since 1S52, in which year he emigrated from Butler county,
Ohio. Learning the trade of carpenter early in life, he followed it as an occupation while in Ohio. His father, Daniel Hoover, was a native of the
Keystone state, a farmer, who soon after marriage emigrated to the southern
part of the Buckeye state, thence to Fayette county, Indiana, where he died at the age of fifty-four years. He was united in marriage with Miss Mary
Patton, formerly of Maryland, and she passed to the other world while on a
visit to her son in Illinois, at the age of eighty-two years. Daniel and Mary
Hoover had nine children: Jemima, Nancy, Catharine, Mahala and Thomas,
all deceased, Isaac N. (our subject), Mary and Christina, of Shelby county, Illinois, and Jacob, who is deceased.
Isaac N. Hoover, the sixth in order of age in the above family and the
oldest of the living children, was born in Fayette county, Indiana, December 22, 1824, moved to Ohio when young and later returned to his native
state, where the most of his life has been spent. He had but little schooling, and that was obtained in the limited and meager subscription schools of
the pioneer period, kept in the old-fashioned log school-house so often
described elsewhere in this volume. He has, however, obtained a high
degree of practical education, such as is more needed in practical life than the most of what has been taught in the school text-books. In Ohio he was
united in marriage with Miss Jane Guinnup, whose father died in the west a
number of years ago and whose mother departed this life here in Indiana, at
the age of eighty-two years. Of their children only three are living, namely: Mrs. Jane Hoover, Mary Jones (at West Point) and
Elias, of Peru, Indiana. Mr. Hoover has always been a supporter of the Democratic party. He is now spending the evening of his life quietly upon his farm. He has
always been an honorable, upright man, industrious, temperate, economical
and in every way exemplary, and well deserves the rest which he is now
enjoying, surrounded as he is with a host of friends.
Biographical and genealogical history of Cass, Miami, Howard and Tipton counties, Indiana, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1898, page 254-255, "City of Kokomo," F.A. Battey & Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1883
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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