James C. Carter
A Shelbyville Newspaper
Highly Honored at Harvard University
Dr. James C. Carter, son of Mr. And Mrs. Isaac Carter
of this city, has been
highly honored at Harvard, America’s oldest and largest university. Dr. Carter,
who will graduate in the medical department at Harvard University, has been
selected as one of the interns for the Boston city hospital for the next two
years. The place is a very desirable one, as a young physician has his expenses
paid and is given the best opportunity ih the world to perfect himself in his
chosen profession. There are 17 out of a very large class that took the
competitive examination to secure the appointment and Mr. Carter was on of four
appointed and he ranking right at the top among the four.
We are glad to see this bright Shelbyville student taking such high rank
where the competition is so vigorous. The positions are very desirable and are
sought by students all over New England. Four were appointed from Harvard and
two from other New England colleges, making six in

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