Hazen Sprague
Jasper Hazen Sprague was born in Hartford, Vermont, June
6, 181 2, and graduated at the Norwich Military University in the
same State in 1836. Immediately after his graduation he came
west, stopping at Madison, where he soon secured employment as
Assistant Engineer in Surveying the Madison & Indianapolis
Railroad. He was soon promoted to the position of Chief
Engineer, and assumed the responsibility of performing correctly
some of the most difficult mathematical calculations known in surveying. Although young and somewhat inexperienced, he did his
work remarkably well. Mr. Sprague was also employed for about
six years following 1842, in surveying short lines from Shelbyville
to Rushville; from Shelbyville to Knightstown, and from Shelbyville to Edinburgh.
In 1849, he was employed as Chief Engineer in surveying the line of Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railroad, now
known as "Big Four." In 1846, Mr. Sprague moved to Shelbyville, from Columbus, Indiana, and after remaining here until 1849,
he went to Lawrenceburg, making that place his headquarters
until 1853, when he again returned to Shelbyville. Immediately
after coming back he entered into the manufacture of staves and
barrels, which business he carried on until 1S83, then retired from
business altogether. In 1840, Mr. Sprague was wedded to Miss Dulcina C.
Town, of Vermont. As a result of this union there were born
six children, Laura, Harriet L., Walter, H., Walter K.,
Charles T.
and Carrie. Of these but two are living, Charles T., city editor
of the Shelbyville Daily Democrat, and Harriet, wife of
Dr. James
P. Robins, of this city. Jasper H. Sprague is one of Shelbyville's
most Christian gentlemen. In times of public discord, he is one of
those who ever seek to bring about tranquility and confidence.
" Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children
of God." He has devoted a long life to the cause of truth and
right, and now, though quite old and very deaf, he is still cheerful
and happy. His wife and he are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Shelbyville.
Mr. Sprague has always been ready
to act and speak in the Master's cause. He has also held every
position in the church to which a layman is eligible. May the sunset of his life be made bright with the glory of the good deeds he
has done.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Shelbyville Sketches," Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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