Preston Jones
The Daily Republican
Thursday, March 17, 1887
Page 4 Column 3
Rev. Preston Jones, one of Shelbyville's honored citizens and
a Christian gentleman in every sense of the term, today reached the sixtieth milestone in the journey of life and
is receiving the hearty congratulations of his many friends. Mr. Jones was born in Butler county, Ohio, on
March 17, 1827, and moved with his parents to Noble township, Shelby county, Indiana in 1838. He was married
in this county on November 16, 1845, [to Cynthia
Ann Matilda Hungate],
in the eighteenth year of his age. At the age of twenty Mr. Jones became a minister and continued in the
work until his removal to Shelbyville. The reason for retiring from the ministry was on account of failing
health. The Baptist church being the one of his choice he now has a call from a church in Decatur county
of which he was the pastor at one time for nine years in succession. During the many years of his ministry
he has married hundreds of couples who came before him, and preached the funerals of scores who have died. His
life has been one of great usefulness, in conversation last night the worthy divine stated that his better than
it had been for years and be was happy and loved everybody. The Republican congratulates Mr. Jones upon the pure and upright life he has led and hopes that he may
live to see a century or more of this world with its joys and sorrows, its
sunshine and shades.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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