Thomas McLane
Thomas J. McLane
was born in the County Darry, Ireland,
March 4, 1S27, and is the son of William and Anna (Irvin) McLane.
He is the third of five children. Most of his school education he received in Ireland, but went to school for some time after
coming here. Mr. McLane came to America in 1844, and landed
at Philadelphia, thence coming immediately to Shelbyville. In the
same fall he began learning the carpenter's trade under the instruction of
Smith Wingate. This has been his occupation through
life. In 1846, he enlisted in Company H, Third Indiana Regiment
and spent one year in war against Mexico, and was in the Battle of
Buena Vista. He was married in 1862, to Miss Margaret A. Newton,
daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth ( Gray) Newton. The children of this marriage are:
William C., Thomas D., Elizabeth, Harry, Margaret and
Dunn. Mr. McLane is a Democrat in politics. He
has been a member of the I. O. O, F., for more than thirty years. He and his
family are members of the First Presbyterian Church of
this city. For about eight years, Mr. McLane has been giving
special attention to bee culture. He has the largest apiary in Shelby
County, numbering over seventy stands. Not only in this latter
work, but in everything else undertaken has the subject of this
biography been successful. He stands very high in this community as an honest. Christian gentleman.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, "Shelbyville
Sketches," page 512, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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