Melvina Dix
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, October 7, 1880
Page 3 col 3
A Large Gathering Of The Relatives
And Friends Of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson
Tuesday was the 53rd anniversary of the birth of
J. L. Wilson, of Washington township, and that highly estimable lady will never forget the occasion.
Her friends,
among whom she is deservedly and decidedly popular and a very great favorite, came upon her unaware yesterday,
bringing with them a feast of good things too numerous to mention, but to which nearly two hundred hungry souls
sat down and fed upon, and yet the supply was not exhausted. Mrs. Wilson's maiden name was
Melvina Dix,
and she came to this State with her parents from Bracken county, Kentucky, in the year 1827. At the time of arriving
in the State, she was ten years of age. Her husband is also a native of Kentucky, and he arrived with his parents
in Rush county the same year that brought the Dix family. On the 10th of September, 1848, Mr. Wilson married Miss
Dix, and shortly thereafter the worthy couple removed to the farm they now occupy. Ten children were born
to the pair, all of whom are living and were present yesterday, except the eldest son who died in 1861.
Those who
were foremost in arranging the surprise were: Mr. and Mrs. Obediah Conover;
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. James Parrish;
Mr. and Mrs. William Chesser; Mrs.
N. Price; Mrs. L. Stephens; Mrs. James Fix; Mrs. Wm. J. Jackson;
and Daniel
Cummins. A number of congratulatory letters were received from friends at a distance, filled with expressions
of friendly interest and regrets at the inability of the writers to be present. Dr. F. H. Drake,
of this city, was also among the invited guests, and at the conclusion of the meal made a short but highly appropriate

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