Thomas M. Smock
"Village Blacksmith" never had a finer exemplar than he who for thirty-five years made the air resound
in his shop at Pleasant View. In the pioneer days this was an important stopping place for those traveling
east or west on the Michigan road, and no one is so important to travelers with vehicles as the blacksmith. Thomas M. Smock, who opened his shop at this place in
1854, did a thriving business from the start and kept it up until changed conditions made country blacksmithing
less profitable. His smiling face, robust form and kindly greetings were familiar during more than a generation
of active life, and everyone who lived in Moral township or the region around, from the early fifties until the
close of the century, knew Mr. Smock as a friend. Peter Smock, of Pennsylvania, after coming West in the thirties, married
Sarah, a native of Virginia, and one of the pioneer children of the West. They located in
the eastern part of Marion county, but later moved to the west side, where the father lived until his death. Thomas
M. Smock, son of this couple, was born
in Marion county, east of Indianapolis, on the Michigan road, March 22, 1833. When twelve years of age he
lost his father and three years later became an apprentice in a blacksmith shop in Boone county. In time he mastered
the trade and, of course, was ambitious to have a shop of his own. This ambition was gratified when he was
able to start his bellows at Pleasant View, and from that time on, for many years, there were but few days when
the sparks were not flying in Smock’s smithy. Practically, he monopolized all the horse-shoeing, smelting
and wagon tiring in his end of the township and prosperity followed the noisy hammering in this busy mart of the
western travelers and local farmers. About 1890 Mr. Smock sold out his place and purchased another shop at
Brookfield, where he followed his trade until 1904, when he retired to take life more easily. He owns a fine
farm of sixty-two acres, just north of Brookfield, and here, surrounded by his family and every comfort, he is
enjoying existence in full, as a reward for his long and laborious life. About 1870 Mr. Smock was made a Mason
in Pleasant Lodge, No. 133, at Acton, and for two years held the office of worshipful master.
After coming to Pleasant
View, Mr. Smock married Maria Louisa Hart,
a native of Maryland, who came to Shelby county in 1853. To Mr. and Mrs. Smock the following children have
been born: Mary Ellen, wife of George W. Batty, is a resident
of Indianapolis; Alva Nelson is
deceased; Homer lives at Indianapolis; Charles F. is at home;
Wilbur resides in Chicago; Fannie Fern, now dead, was the wife of
Clarence Means; Walter
L. is at home; Claude Victor, of Portland, Oregon; Bertha,
wife of Louis Belton, resides
at Acton; Della, wife of John, lives at Indianapolis, and
Loretta. Mr. and Mrs. Smock are members of the
Christian church, and in politics he has always been a staunch Republican, though he never would accept office.
Mr. and Mrs. Smock have
been married fifty-two years, and to celebrate the event they, in July, 1909, took a trip to the state of Oregon.
Excerpt from Chadwick’s History of Shelby Co.,
Contributed by Cindy Jones.

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