Herbert M. Neal
The Shelby county family of this name originated in Kentucky.
Robert H. Neal, who was born
in Scott county, December 25, 1817, became a Union soldier at the beginning of the Civil war, was
honorably discharged on account of ill health, and died August 9, 1862. He married
Lucy A.
Wells, who was born in Scott county, August 10, 1832, and died March 23, 1862. They came to
this state in 1862 and became the parents of six children, of whom three survive;
Charles and Mrs. [M] Hattie Snow, of Franklin, Indiana, and
Mrs. Mariah Wright of Tacoma, Washing-
ton. George W. Neal, the oldest and best known of the children, was born in Scott county, Ken-
tucky, September 27, 1844, and after reaching maturity became a shoemaker. Later he lived for
some years on a farm of one hundred acres in West Hendricks township; in 1880 removed to
Fairland, where, for two years he was engaged in the boot and shoe business. Having received the
appointment as Deputy Sheriff under Sid Conger, Mr. Neal became a resident of Shelbyville,
and after the expiration of his term he was engaged in the wood business until 1890; about that time
he became secretary of the Shelbyville Ice Manufacturing Company. In 1896 he removed to Frank-
fort, Indiana, where for ten years he dealt in ice and coal with such excellent financial results that he
made a fortune. He organized the Frankfort Central Heating Company, and was president of the
corporation until the time of his death, September 9, 1907. He married Phoebe A. White, who
was born in Hendricks township, Shelby county, Indiana, September 10, 1852, and four children
resulted from this union. Daisy E. married George R. Meier and died at Frankfort, August
28, 1905. Clarence R., died June 29, 1890. Clethera E., the youngest child, married
Lena Fory. George W. Neil [sic] was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
and for some years was treasurer of Lodge No. 39.
Herbert M. Neal, eldest of this family, was born at Marietta, Shelby county, Indiana,
October 4, 1871. At the age of eighteen he left high school and entered his father's office as
assistant in the details connected with ice manufacturing. He went with the family to Frankfort, but
in 1898 returned to Shelbyville to accept a position as superintendent of the lines for the Southern
Indiana Gas Company. May 1, 1908, he resigned this place to go into business for himself, and at
the beginning of the winter opened an office for the transaction of real estate and insurance business
in the Morrison block, where he has since continued. Mr. Neil is a stockholder in the First National
Bank, of Shelbyville. Mr. Neal is a member of the Masonic fraternity No. 28, Chapter No. 20,
Council No. 3, and Baldwin Commandery, No. 2, Knights Templar.
He is also an Odd Fellow,
both subordinate and encampment, and for nine years past has been treasurer of the lodge. Since
November 18, 1905, he is a member of the First Presbyterian church.
November 2, 1896, Mr. Neal married Loretta, only daughter of George C. and Ann
(Doble) Morrison, both members of old and honored families of Shelby county.
John and
Sarah (Carruthers) Morrison, paternal grandparents of Mrs. Neal, were Virginians by birth,
and came to Shelbyville in 1832. The husband was an expert in the making of the old-time hand-
turned furniture, and this business he carried on for many years in the large building on Harrison
street, afterwards famous as a boarding house. In fact the "Morrison House," and Mother
Morrison, its guiding spirit, were well known to everybody in the county. George C. Morrison, who
was born at Wheeling, West Virginia [VA], August 15, 1829, and died in Shelbyville August 17,
1906, was a man of prominence, very successful in business, a director in the First National Bank,
and one of its local capitalists. He was twice Mayor of the city, and treasurer of the Shelby Lodge,
No. 39, Independent Order of Odd Fellows for twenty years, being universally known as "Uncle
George," and popular with all classes of people.
His children were Edgar, Charles, Harry C.,
George C. and Loretta, besides a son who died in infancy. Mrs. Ann (Doble) Morrison's
parents and grandparents came to Shelby county in 1828 and settled in Moral township, and their
became prominent as farmers, stock dealers and men of affairs in various lines of activity.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well
known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pages 525-527.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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