Morgan Anderson
self-made man in the broadest sense of the term and an enterprising citizen whom to know is to esteem and honor,
Morgan Anderson Robins has acted well his part in life, and stands out clear and
distinct as one of the progressive Americans of his day and generation in the community of his residence. Mr.
Robins is descended from an old Welsh family that came to America in the time of the colonies and at the breaking
out of the War of the Revolution one of his ancestors entered the army and rendered valiant service for the cause
of independence, rising to the rank of captain and attaining marked distinction on a number of bloody battle fields.
Mary Robins, the subject's mother, was born in Clark county, Indiana,
in 1833; her parents, Philemon and
Polly (Fouts) Robins, being natives
of North Carolina, were early settlers of that part of the Hoosier State. Philemon Robins was a farmer by occupation.
After residing for a number of years in Clark county, he moved to Illinois, thence to Shelby county, Indiana,
where he and his good wife spent the remainder of their lives, both dying on the family homestead in Marion township,
where, side by side with their parents in a private cemetery, they are sleeping the sleep that knows no waking.
Morgan Anderson Robins was born in Shelby county,
Indiana, January 11, 1846, and spent his childhood and youth in close touch with nature on the home farm, receiving
his educational discipline in the public schools. Reared to agricultural pursuits and growing to the full stature
of vigorous manhood, amid the bracing airs of rural life, he early became self-reliant and very naturally chose
farming as the vocation best suited to his tastes and inclinations. Since his youth, therefore, he has devoted
his attention to the tilling of the soil, and for a number of years has owned a good farm and a substantial home
in section 17, Marion township, a few miles from Shelbyville, where, surrounded by many evidences of his industry,
thrift and excellent management, he is now in comfortable circumstances with a sufficiency of this world's goods
in his possession to insure his future against adversity and his declining years from care. Mr. Robins began the
struggle of life with no assistance from well-to-do or influential friends and he owes his advancement and present
success to his individual exertions alone. In due time he rose superior to his early environment to become what
he has long been -- one of the successful farmers of his township and a citizen who commands the respect and esteem
of his fellow men. In the year 1880 he entered the marriage relation with
Salice [Alice G.] Sorden,
daughter of Isaac Sorden, whose people were among the pioneers of Shelby county,
the union resulting in the birth of five children, three sons and two daughters, namely:
Zora, who married Walter
Pond, in Marion township; Milton, who is married and is a farmer, his wife having formerly been Margaret Maple;
William, George and Grace, the youngest members of the family, are still at home and, with their parents, constitute
a very happy and contented domestic circle. Politically Mr. Robins is a pronounced Democrat, and has rendered
valuable service to his party both as an adviser in its councils and a worker with the rank and file. He is well
informed on the questions and issues before the people. Mrs. Robins and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal
church of Shelbyville, which religious body Mr. Robins also attends, though not formally identified therewith.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County,
Indiana by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A.,
assisted by well known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909., pg 549-550
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Note: Alice G. Sorden is the name listed on the Marriage Record, Book

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