Daniel C.
As the name implies, the Deupree family is of French origin, Joseph Deupree, the great-great-grandfather of the gentleman whose name appears above, having been a native of that country, a descendant of the Huguenot family. He fled from that country when the great massacre occurred during the uprising of the Catholics, having come to America and settled in Virginia. Thomas Deupree, son of William Deupree and the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a Kentuckian who migrated to Shelby county, Indiana, in a very early day, about 1821 or 1822. He returned to Kentucky to settle up his affairs so that he could return here and make his future home, and on his way he was drowned in a river, leaving a widow and six children, four boys and two girls: Joseph, Abram C., Edwin, Madison, Amelia and Parthenia. Abram C. Deupree, father of the subject of this sketch, married Hannah Carter, who was born in New Jersey in 1813, and they were the parents of the following children: Nathan, Thomas J., Arminta who died when eighteen years old; Daniel C., of this review; John, and Martha, wife of Thomas Durbin. Besides her and the subject of this sketch, Nathan is the only living member of this family.
Daniel C. Deupree was born in Jackson township, Shelby county, Indiana, April 27, 1838, and he was reared at the old Deupree homestead, receiving his education in a log-school-house, equipped with puncheon sears and floor, with greased paper for window panes. But despite disadvantages he was very apt in arithmetic and he became fairly well educated, much of it being gained by his own application at home. Desiring to gain a knowledge of the higher branches he attended what is now known as Butler University at Indianapolis, where he made a splendid record, obtaining sufficient education to enable him to teach school, which profession he followed for a period of ten years in the schools of Shelby, Johnson and Bartholomew counties. He became widely known as an educator during those years and his services were in great demand, for he never failed to please both patron and pupil. He is a man of wonderful memory, and he is one of the best mathematicians, knowing the text-books on this subject almost by heart. He was also very apt in his other studies.
Daniel C. Deupree has been a successful farmer for many years, as is evinced by the able manner in which he manages his excellent farm of two hundred acres in sections 14 and 23. He manages the same in such a way as to gain the greatest results and he holds high rank among the modern farmers of Shelby county. He has always been a lover of good stock and his place is kept well stocked with excellent varieties, in fact, a large part of his ample competence has been gained through the handling of live stock. He has a substantial and nicely furnished home, excellent barns and other outbuildings, all indicating the taste of a thrifty and up-to-date agriculturist and a refined gentleman.
Mr. Deupree's first marriage was with Susan Sanders on March 4, 1863. She was born in Johnson county, this state, and to this union one child, William E., was born March 2, 1864. He is Judge of the Circuit Court of Johnson and Brown counties. The friends of William E. Deupree early recognized in him a judicial quality and singled him out for official honors, consequently he is at this writing Judge of Johnson and Brown counties, as before stated, which position he very ably and creditably fills, giving to the same his best talents and discharging its duties in such a conscientious and skillful manner as to gain the good will of his constituents and all others concerned, for he has a well balanced judicial mind and a power of analysis in all cases, whether criminal or civil, that renders him peculiarly adept in this line, his decisions showing him to be broad-minded, technical, cautious, conservative and unerring, desiring at all times to give the best there is in him to whatever case he has in hand. He is popular with lawyers and litigants and is known as one of the leading jurists of this locality.
Mrs. Daniel C. Deupree was called from her earthly labors, April 22, 1866. Two years later, in February, 1868, Daniel C. Deupree was married to Anna Walker, and seven children were born to this union, namely: Hannah, a teacher in her early life, became the wife of Charles Thomas; Ella, Jesse A., John; Arminta, the wife of John Stainbrook; Orpha and Elijah.
These children were given every advantage possible in the way of education, and they are all fairly well situated in life.
In his political views Mr. Deupree is a firm believer in the principles of Democracy, but he has never been active in the ranks. he is a member of the Christian church at Edinburg. Few mean in this locality are better known and none are held in higher esteem than he, for his career has been one of consecutive endeavor along laudable lines and always lived in such a manner as to gain the confidence and respect of his fellows.
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909, pp 562-63.
Copied by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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