After a long and
vigorous life in active farm work, Valentine Posz has achieved not
only success as a farmer, but holds also a high place in the esteem of his
neighbors and friends. He was born in Bavaria, Germany, January 15, 1830,
and is the son of John Adam and Margaret (Shoemaker)
Posz, peasant farmers in that country. John Adam Posz was born June 6,
1800, and died in Shelbyville in 1879. He was a sturdy worker, a Democrat,
and a good Christian gentleman, public-spirited and highly respected. His
companion in life was also born in Bavaria in 1802, and was married to Mr. Posz
in 1828. The following children were born to these parents: Valentine;
Anna M., born in 1831, now deceased; Mary Ann, born in 1833,
married Frank Flaitz, of Shelbyville; Elizabeth, born
in 1836, married Jacob Deitzer, and is now deceased; Daniel,
deceased, born in 1839; Margaret, deceased, born in 1843,
married Jacob Haehl; Catherine, born in 1846,
married John Deitzer, and is now a widow. All the children
were born in Germany.
When the matter of
leaving Europe for America was taken up by the family, Elizabeth was the first
one to make the venture. She came over in 1851, followed the next year by
Valentine and Anna M., and two years later by her parents and the rest of the
family. Valentine and his sister came over in a sailing vessel which made
the trip from Hamburg to New York in forty-three days. He then came on to
Cincinnati, where he remained a year, after which he came to Shelby county.
In 1854 Mr. Posz was
married to Margaret Becker, who was born in Germany March 13,
1837. She was the daughter of George M. and Katherine
(Westerman) Becker. She was born in Moerheim, Germany, and came with
her parents to America when but six years old, landing at New Orleans, having
been on the water sixty-three days. Her father died two years after their
arrival here, and the mother with the family continued the management of the
farm until Margaret's marriage to Mr. Posz, who from that time assumed the
direction of the affairs on the farm.
Nine children were born
to this union: Mary married Daniel Callahan, a
Shelby county farmer, and has four children, Albert,
Catherine, Nora and Anna; Katherine
married William Gayheimer, a farmer living in Rush county, and has
two children, Louis and Bertha; John Adam
married Mary Gayheimer and has two children, Emma E.,
and William Conrad; Emma married Edward Cotton
and they have one child, Harry Edward; Margaret
married John Gayheimer, and has two children, Ellen
and Maud; Conrad married Louisa Kuhn,
who has two children, Ethel Norah and Julia May; John
George is at home; Barbara E. married Frederick Kuhn,
they live in this county and have four children, Julius,
Carl, Edna and May. The ninth in order of birth of
Mr. and Mrs. Posz's children died in infancy.
Eighty acres comprise Mr.
Posz's present farm. He has lived on this farm for over fifty years; it is
well improved. Mr. Posz's education was obtained in Germany, and his
wide-awake spirit and industrious temperament placed him in the front rank as a
farmer. He is an active church worker and for several years was a trustee
of the German Evangelican church of Union township.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A.,
assisted by well known local talent, 1909, pages 581-582.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming for Christal
Callahan Culp
~ ~
Valentine Posz, a prominent old citizen of
Union Township, is a native of Rheinpfalz, Germany, born January 15, 1830, the son of John Adam and Margaret
(Schuhmacher) Posz. Valentine grew to manhood in his native country, receiving a good common school education
in the schools there. In 1852, he emigrated to the United States. He stopped for one year in Cincinnati, coming
to Shelby County in 1853, and has always lived in the county since. March 9, 1854, his marriage with Margaret
Becker was solemnized and to their union nine children have been born, these eight now living: Mary,
wife of Daniel Callahan; Catharine, unmarried; Adam, Emma; Maggie, now Mrs. John
Gaheimer; Conrad, George and Barbara. Mr. Posz has always made farming his occupation,
and he has been very successful. He now owns 120 acres of well improved land. He and wife are members of the St.
Zion's German Protestant Church. His political views are Democratic.
History of Shelby County, Indiana, Chicago: Brant & Fuller, 1887, page
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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