Amos Perry
Amos Perry Thompson,
son of Lyman and Lucinda (Skinner) Thompson was
born in Shelby County, Ind. March 13th 1844. At the age of four years he
journeyed overland with his parents to Lake County, where he resided his whole
life with the exception of a few years of his early boyhood spent in
Missouri. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted as a boy of only 17
years being mustered into the Service at Lafayette, Ind. July 18th 1861 as a
private of Co., B. 20 Regt. Indiana Volunteers of the Army of the Potomac.
He served his country faithfully and continually for the entire duration of the
war, participating in the most important battles. Gettysburg, and the
terrible struggle of the "Battle of the Wilderness" which lasted from
May 5th to May 7th, 1864. In this engagement he received the severest
wounds of his entire service necessitating his confinement for three months in
the Army Hospital at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. With his regiment he
was on land duty at Hampton Roads, VA., witnessing the naval engagement that
culminated in the famous battle of the Monitor and Merrimac. Immediately
on the expiration of his first enlistment period he re-enlisted Jan. 1st, 1864
in the same company and regiment, serving in all the engagements of his regiment
to the end of the war. On July 18th he was honorably discharged by reason
of the close of the war, and returned home to assume the duties of Civilian
Life. His Civil War record evidences his patriotism as a defender of his
country and the interesting stories of his war experiences which he would relate
to his children, grand children and great-grand children will always be a
pleasant memory. On Dec. 5th 1866 near Cedar Lake, Ind., he was united in
marriage with Miss Celesta E. Palmer, daughter of Adelbert
D. Palmer, one of the earliest pioneers of Lake County. This companion
of fifty six years still survives him. To this union were born four sons,
and three daughters, Chas. F. of Hammond, Irvin J. of
Buck Creek, Ind., Wilbur P. and Adelbert P. who have
both preceded him beyond. Mrs. Ella Merriman, of Bangor,
Mich., Mrs. Alice Lloyd, of Lowell, and Mrs. Mary Hill,
of Chicago. In October 1871 Mr. Thompson and his wife became members of
the Lowell Baptist Church, and his life reflected his early religious
teachings. Amos P. Thompson, was a calm righteous man of gentle
disposition, patient, kind and considerate, having with all a firm sense of
justice. Through this last long illness he uncomplainingly awaited the end
with his characteristic patient courage. On the evening of Aug. 28th, 1923
at the age of 79 years, 5 months and 15 days he very peacefully passed on to the
happiness of a higher existence - to the reward of all just and righteous men,
such as he. Surviving him, of this immediate family are his wife, 2 sons,
3 daughters, 14 grand-children, 15 great-grand-children, 2 brothers, Wm. C.
Thompson, of Shelbyville, Indiana, and Lyman Lloyd, of Chicago,
Illinois, Funeral services were held at the family home August, 31, 1923 at 2pm
where comforting words were given by Rev. Brown The following grandsons
acting as pall bearers: Herbert Lloyd, Verne Lloyd, Maxwell
Thompson, Everett Thompson, George Mauck, Joseph Dinwiddie
and Clarence Fuller. Interment was made in the Lowell
Mausoleum conducted by the American Legion. There were seven old soldiers
at the funeral services and one member of his regiment, John Luther, of
Crown Point, they both being members of the 20th Indiana.
The above was written as an obituary for a Lake County, Indiana, newspaper.

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